Student Voice

  • Commencement Mass
  • Swimming Carnival
  • Cadets Recruitment Opportunity

Commencement Mass

The Commencement Mass, celebrated last Friday with parish priest the Very Reverend Fr David Ranson, was a coming together for boys across all year groups at the Oxford Falls  Campus. The highlight of the event was the live paintings of Christ which gave time for reflection and prayer, especially regarding our theme ‘Seek to Serve’. Notably for Year 12, the Mass marked the ‘first of lasts’ as the Class of 2024 began the school year one final time.

Swimming Carnival

Today, the Senior School participated in the ever-popular senior swimming carnival.  All Year 12 students were able to dress up in costumes of the same colour as their house, competing for points. It was a great day (although a little wet), which was the last swimming carnival for Year 12.

Cadets Recruitment Opportunity

Australian Army Cadets is a leadership program for teenagers in Year 8 and above. It provides young Australians with the opportunity to learn, develop and practice many interesting, fun and valuable life skills. They parade every Tuesday night of the school term at Marist College North Sydney from 5:30 pm - 8:40 pm and also attend one bivouac (weekend camp) at the end of each term.

As a cadet, there are lots of activities you can participate in such as an annual week-long camp; leadership, abseiling and watercraft courses; military marches (such as on ANZAC Day) and much more. They learn lots of skills such as first aid, navigational and organisational skills as well as obtaining real leadership experience. 

If you are interested in Army Cadets, feel free to join the virtual information night on zoom on Thursday 22 February at 6:50pm. Check out our website: for more information.

Courtesy Robert Oner, Year 11

2024 Student Leadership Team