From the Deputy Principal

Success in all its measures


Edmund Rice Education Australia acknowledges that excellence and improvement can be viewed in a variety of ways and that evidence of success is gathered, interpreted and celebrated holistically.’ (EREA Strategic Directions, 2020-2024)


Contemporary educational research tells us that, over time, attending to more holistic aspects of achievement (spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical) is more likely to have greater educational and life benefits for individuals (Shannon, 2019). Broadly defined and acknowledged measures of success will enable young people to graduate with confidence and capacity to successfully navigate post school pathways and life experiences. Hattie & Larsen (2020), assert that ‘the purpose of schooling is to help young people to uncover and recognise their particular talents that, appropriately nurtured through the school experience, will influence their future happiness.’

During my short time at St Pius X College, I have observed a clear alignment with the paradigm shift towards expanding the definition and recognition of success. The College wholeheartedly embraces this shift and champions the adoption of evidence-based perspectives regarding the purpose of schooling.

St Pius X College is committed to providing a holistic education for your sons and recognises the importance of acknowledging and celebrating success ín all its measures. The St Pius X staff strive to ensure all your sons are happy at school as well as flourish post-school.  As educators in the EREA community, it is our ongoing quest to support the formation of our young people, so that they ‘may have life and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10).

While analysing the 2023 HSC results, I was heartened to learn that as well as a very comprehensive range of academic, technical, and creative subjects, St Pius X College also offers Life Skills courses, Vocational courses both on campus and through TAFE and opportunities to study additional languages through the School of Languages. This is further testament that St Pius X College educates for the diverse learnings that make the whole person and provides opportunities for all your sons to experience success.

We can take great pride in the holistic education that distinguishes St Pius X College from other schools. It is important for us to remember that a school should not be judged nor defined by its position in league table rankings. These rankings are based solely on Band 6 achievements. Educators agree that using Band 6 as a stand-alone measure of success is extremely narrow and fails to capture the full spectrum of student achievement or the school's impact. 

While we certainly celebrate our Band 6 achievements and remain committed to investigating and implementing high-impact teaching strategies to foster further growth in this realm, it's equally important to recognise the comprehensive achievements of the entire HSC Class of 2023.

Mr Ronchetti mentioned the various individual academic and creative accomplishments that were acknowledged at the 2023 HSC High Achievers assembly in last week's Woodchatta. Witnessing this celebration was truly an honour for me. Inspiration, commitment, and hard work was personified that day as students, staff, parents and members of the St Pius X community gathered together to welcome back and celebrate the broad achievements of the Class of 2023. Assemblies such as these certainly set the tone for the academic year ahead, instilling hope and motivating us all to aim for personal bests. 

In addition to those wonderful creative arts and academic achievements we can also be very proud of the collective achievements of the Class of 2023. Over half (53.25%) of our HSC entries scored in the top 2 Bands (80% +) and an impressive 88.5% of entries scored in the top 3 Bands (70% +). Furthermore, 23 students achieved an ATAR over 90, over one third (34%) of the cohort achieved an ATAR above 85 and close to half (46%) the cohort achieved an ATAR above 80. 

Of the 32 subjects undertaken, 82% performed well above State mean and each subject experienced student growth and value add across the entire student distribution.  An area the college considers one of the most important measures of success but something that can often get lost in the world of league tables. 

It is safe to say that the Class of 2023 found their success in many different ways. I can see why our staff and families are so proud of the diversity of the Class of 2023 and the personal milestones that they each achieved.

I look forward to working alongside the St Pius X community as we continue to strive for growth and excellence in all domains and as we seek to liberate the potential of the young people in our care so that they flourish in their schooling and graduate as confident, compassionate, resilient, and respectful global citizens equipped to critically reflect, discern, and engage with our world.

Let us always remember that a St Pius X graduate leaves the college with much more than just a number, mark, or rank. The journey that brings each student to Graduation is far more valuable.

Ms Elizabeth Watson - Deputy Principal