From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Maintaining High Standards and Expectations - being on time to school
  • Commencement Mass
  • The season of Lent
  • Multiple means of communication at the moment
  • OPEN DAY: Advance Notice:  Saturday 16 March
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular Program


Fasting & Feasting

Lent is more than a time of fasting; it can also be a joyous season of feasting. Lent is a time to fast from certain things and to feast on others.


Fast from judging others

Feast on the Christ dwelling in them

Fast from worry

Feast on Divine Providence

Fast from complaining

Feast on appreciation

Fast from self-concern

Feast on compassion for others

Fast from discouragement

Feast on hope

Fast from problems that overwhelm

Feast on prayer

Fast from thoughts of illness

Feast on the healing power of God


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Maintaining High Standards and Expectations

Being on time to school

In last week’s edition of Woodchatta, I noted the importance of high maintaining standards and high expectations.  Being on time to school is an expectation that is essential so that students can start the day in a positive mind set without the concerns of being late and thus potentially missing out on valuable information.  With the new starting time of 8:30 am, students need to ensure they arrive well before this time so that they can gather their books and place their bags in their lockers.  I do understand that at times there may be issues with public transport and unforeseen traffic congestions, however, the students who are arriving late generally have been late more than the one time.  I strongly encourage families to discuss with their sons the importance of being on time or early to school.

Commencement Mass

The Commencement Mass was another wonderful liturgical celebration signifying the official commencement of the College academic year.  The College Captain, Quiton Crispe lead our Year 12 students into the Christian Brothers Centre carrying the College candle as a sign of Christ’s light leading us as we commence the school year.  Year 12 proudly wore their college blazers through the centre aisle for their last Commencement Mass.  This procession of students is a rite of passage for all Year 12 and a tradition started last year of acknowledging our most senior year group at the college.

I would like to acknowledge and thank our special guests for their attendance:

  • Br Michael Hoffman (College Principal of St Pius X College between 2004 - 2010). 
  • Br Carl Sherrin (Former student and archivist at St Pius X College)
  • Mr Evan Griffith (Member of the School Advisory Council)
  • Mrs Bernadette Keating (Member of the School Advisory Council)
  • Ms Judy Black (Member of the School Advisory Council and a former teacher at St Pius X College)

I extend a heartfelt thank you to our celebrant, Father David whose unwavering support of our mission and values is deeply appreciated by the entire community. Fr David’s presence and encouragement inspires us as we endeavour to uphold the Catholic ethos and live lives aligned with Catholic principles.  Knowing that we have his support, and the support of the wider parish community of Our Lady of Dolours, only strengthens our commitment to our faith and its teachings. Fr David’s guidance and words of wisdom serve as a constant source of inspiration for us all.  We are truly grateful for Fr David’s continued dedication and support.

My heartfelt thanks to the members of our  St Pius X staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that our Commencement Mass celebration of the Eucharist was a memorable, uplifting and a sacred occasion. In particular:

  • to our musicians lead by Mrs Westhoff and superbly supported by Mr Cummins, Mr Jones, Mr Saar and Mrs Gan. Thank you for your continual support and encouragement of all our students as they seek to serve our community through musical talents.
  • to Mr Cummins and Mr Jones, our ICT department Mr Stephen, Mr McGowan, Mr Ortega and Mr McGaw. Your expertise with the sound and lighting allows for all us to truly appreciate this most reverent occasion. 
  • a special mention to our altar servers
  • Patrick Hu (Year 8)
  • Oliver Ibrahim (Year 8)
  • Anthony Parissis (Year 11)
  • Nathan Formosa (Year 11)

It was great to witness these young men serving and supporting our Eucharistic celebration.

  • my thanks to members of our Mission and Identity team; Mr Di Sano and Mr Balboa who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring the Mass to fruition.
  • to all our Maintenance teams: Mr Munday, Mr Williams, Mr Pasatovic, Mx Calder and Mr Willoughby, our College student leaders and a group of students from Year 11 who dedicated their time to ensure the Christian Brothers Centre was well presented as our sacred space.
  • to our wonderful staff, for being so accommodating in supporting our Commencement Mass and for your continued support of our students and their aspirations.
  • A special thanks of appreciation and congratulations to our Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity, Mr Petrie, who worked diligently for many weeks to ensure we had a meaningful liturgical experience. Mr Petrie continues to provide wonderful opportunities for our community to grow in faith through these joyous occasions.

I would like to share with you some of my speech:

'To our esteemed Student Leaders, led by Quinton Crispe, Liam Boswell, and Jose Monk, along with the entirety of Year 12, I extend our heartfelt wishes for success as you take on the mantle of leadership for the student body in 2024. Your dedication, integrity, and commitment to the values of St Pius X College are commendable, and we have every confidence in your ability to lead with grace and wisdom.

With Jesus as your constant companion and the inspirational legacy of Blessed Edmund Rice as your guiding light, you are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Your Pastoral Coordinator, Mr. Tassone, and the entire St Pius community stand ready to support you in your endeavors, providing guidance, encouragement, and solidarity every step of the way.

As Year 12 students, you hold a pivotal role in upholding the traditions, values, and pursuit of personal excellence that define our College community. Your leadership sets the tone for the entire student body, and we trust in your commitment to maintaining the ethos of St Pius X College.

Indeed, this responsibility is not merely a choice but a sacred duty entrusted to you. Embrace it wholeheartedly, knowing that your efforts will shape the experiences and opportunities of your fellow students, leaving a lasting legacy of integrity, compassion, and excellence.

May you find strength and inspiration in the journey ahead, and may your leadership be characterized by humility, empathy, and a genuine desire to serve others. We are proud to have you as ambassadors of our College, and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will undoubtedly make in the year ahead.

The theme of 'Seek to Serve, Stronger Together' resonates deeply with the mission and values of St Pius X College, echoing the compassionate spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice. His profound understanding of the importance of serving others, particularly the marginalized and vulnerable, serves as a guiding light for our community.

Just as Blessed Edmund Rice responded to the needs of the children he saw from his window in Waterford, we too are called to heed the cries of those around us and to take action to support and uplift them. Through education, as Br Edmund realized, we have the power to provide hope and a future for young people, empowering them to realize their potential and contribute positively to society.

At St Pius X College, students, staff, and parents alike are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of embodying these principles of service and compassion. We are called to:

  • Seek to be the best version of ourselves, demonstrating kindness, respect, and integrity in all that we do.
  • Seek to serve those in our community who are in need of support, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual.
  • Seek to create a safe, supportive, and healthy environment where all members of our community can thrive.
  • Seek to integrate faith with culture and learning, fostering a holistic approach to education that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth of each student.
  • Seek to cultivate awareness of justice and peace issues, empowering students to become agents of positive change in the world.

By embracing these principles and working together in solidarity, we can truly embody the spirit of 'Seek to Serve, Stronger Together,' honouring the legacy of Blessed Edmund Rice and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

If we seek to fulfill these learnings, we will be stronger together.

As we embark on a new school year, there is a sense of great optimism and opportunity permeating throughout the College community. It is a time for each of us to embrace the notion of a 'new' beginning, to cast off any burdens or limitations from the past, and to be inspired to walk side by side, hand in hand, as we journey forward together.

Let us be reminded of the power we possess to liberate our hearts and minds, to cast aside doubt and fear, and to cultivate a spirit of hope and possibility for the year ahead. By seizing each day with intention and purpose, and by working collaboratively towards common goals, we have the ability to unlock our full potential and achieve success beyond measure.

Our College motto, 'Fide et Labore', reminds us of the importance of faith and hard work in overcoming challenges and realizing our aspirations. With unwavering faith in ourselves and in each other, and with a steadfast commitment to diligence and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacles that may arise and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As we embrace the spirit of 'Seek to Serve, Stronger Together', let us approach the year ahead with optimism, determination, and a shared sense of purpose. Together, we have the power to shape our own destinies and to create a future filled with hope, possibility, and endless opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Here's to a successful and inspiring 2024, where each member of our College community shines brightly, empowered and hope-filled, as we journey forward with faith and hard work as our guiding principles.'

The season of Lent

We begin the season of Lent with ashes on our foreheads.  Why this smudging. To put on ashes, to sit in ashes, is to say publicly and to yourself that you are reflective, in a penitential mode… that you are grieving some of the things you have done or lost, that some important work is going on silently inside you.  You are, metaphorically and really, in the cinders of a dead fire, waiting for a fuller day in your life.

All of this has deep roots.  There is something innate to the human soul that knows that, every so often, one must make a journey of descent, be smudged, lose one’s luster, and wait while the ashes do their work.  All ancient traditions abound with stories of having to sit in the ashes before one can be transformed.

We all know, for example, the story of Cinderella.  This is a centuries-old, wisdom-tale that speaks about the value of ashes.  The name, Cinderella, itself already says most of it.  Literally it means: ‘the young girl who sits in the cinders.'  Moreover, as the tale makes plain, before the glass slipper is placed on her foot, before the beautiful gown, ball, dance, and marriage, there must first be a period of being humbled.  In the story of Cinderella, there is a theology of Lent.

The Church taps into this deep well of wisdom when it puts ashes on our foreheads at the beginning of Lent.   Lent is a season for each of us to sit in the ashes, waiting while some silent growth takes place within us, and simply being still so that the ashes can do their work in us.


God give us strength.

Strength to hold on and strength to let go.



Adapted from: “Daybreaks – Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter Week” by Ron Rolheiser, OMI,  pp. 3-4)


During the season of Lent, the canteen will not sell meat on Fridays.  The canteen has organised a menu that will be able to serve all our community during this period.

A special thank you to all our students who were very revenant during our liturgies and Mass on Wednesday 14 March.  Thank you to Mr Petrie for once again providing our community with a meaningful experience of a significant season with the Catholic Church.

Multiple means of communications, at the moment

I would like to apologise to all our community if they have received multiple communications over the beginning of the school year through our different platforms.  The reason for this has been a result of the transitioning from our old systems to our new systems.  Though this migration will take the remainder of the first term, we are hopeful to have a definite communication network in place before the end of term.  Therefore, you should be able to find information relevant to you in defined areas.  Once again, I do apologise and I thank you for your patience and ongoing support as we work towards making our communication channels more efficient.

Advance Notice:  OPEN DAY - SATURDAY 16 MARCH

The College OPEN DAY is on Saturday, 16 March.  The Chatswood campus will be open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8.00 am to 12.00 pm.  

Tour bookings are essential.

The College will continue with online bookings arrangements so that families can book a tour of the College.  The College will have four separate sessions that families can book to visit the College. All tours will be provided with an information session that will include the Principal’s Address. 

Information requesting for student helpers will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Sessions times will be 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 1:00 pm. 

The link to book for a tour is provided below and is found on the College website main page. 

Looking forward to seeing many new and existing families at Open Day.

Key Dates

Cocurricular Program

Best wishes to all our players as they continue with their commitment to our Saturday sports program.  ISA Basketball and Cricket will compete in Rd 9, while IPSHA (Junior Sport) will compete in Rd 2 and NSTA (Tennis) and NSW Pennants Squash will compete in Rd 1.  May all our students play to the best of their ability and hopefully we will have some victories along the way.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal