AGM Tuesday 5 March 2024


 all parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, family friends and BCS community members

The canteen at Boorowa Central School needs you!


In order to continue to function at the current amazing standard the canteen requires your help to assist Di. This year there were many days when Di managed the canteen on her own. We all really need to support this service which is so important for our children and staff. 

Details: 9:30am – 11:40am

You choose the day that suits you best.

(Thursday and Friday are usually the busiest days)


If each family could find one person to volunteer once a term the roster would be covered. A 2 hour commitment from every family would bring many benefits to the school and a chance to see your children and their friends at canteen time – the students love seeing someone they care about in canteen!


Please contact Dianne Walsh 



emai: bcssnackcentral@gmail.com 

to add your name to the roster


With thanks,


Boorowa Central School P&C