Infants and Primary


All students and staff are well and truly back into the swing of learning for another year at Boorowa Central School. We are looking forward to meeting with many parents and friends during our ‘Meet and Greet’ in the Infants and Primary classrooms (from 4.30pm in Infants, 5.00pm in Primary). If you were unable to make it to these, please feel welcome to reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns.


Sun safety is a big priority at school. We have a strict ‘No Hat, Play in the Shade’ policy during Terms 1 and 4. Students need to come to school with a named school uniform bucket hat in order to play in the sun or shade during break times, PE lessons and sport. We have a very limited supply of ‘spare’ hats, so please ensure your child has their own school hat each day. Thank you for your support with this.


Kindergarten students have enjoyed sharing lots of things about themselves and their families during the first fortnight at school which has given all of us an opportunity to get to know each other better, including finding out about our families and where we live, what we love (and don’t love) to eat, our pets, and our favourite things to do. We have been sharing through drawings and talking in the classroom. Over the next fortnight we will be reading Michael Ronson’s ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’ and Pamela Allen’s ‘Alexander’s Outing’ to help us learn about the structure of narratives and the main characters in stories.

In Mathematics, we have been finding out that maths is everywhere in our lives. We have discovered that maths includes so many things at school, in the playground, out and about down the street and at home, such as shapes, patterns, numerals, things to count and sort out. We have started to learn games to help us subitise and are quickly becoming very good at this. It’s been a great couple of weeks in Kindergarten!

Year 1

Year 1 has done an incredible job of settling in for this school year. Together, we have created routines and expectations that work for us in the classroom space, and we have discussed school wide expectations as well.  

In English, Year 1 have adapted a text ‘Our Island’ by Alison Lester into our own version of ‘Our School’. Students enjoyed the process of ‘publishing’ their work, and they can now access this story in the classroom. We didn’t stop there though- we are now adapting the story ‘Under the Southern Cross’ by Frané Lessac. This story illustrates many beautiful places around Australia, and students have been tasked to write about a place that is special to them and could possibly be added to the book. Students have considered their own contexts, such as where they have been on holiday before and what experiences they have had there. We are excited to publish these works as well.  

In Mathematics, students have been working very hard to consider the attributes of numbers and shapes and counting large collections of objects and I am incredibly excited to share just how clever they are. Students have been challenged to consider counting in groups and using friends of ten to help them with their counting. See images attached of students using their grouping skills! 

With the Boorowa Show coming up very soon, Year 1 have been working on our addition to the school wide artwork that will be on display at the show. Students have been considering the local context of Boorowa, and in particular our wonderful Superb Parrots.

On Friday of Week 3, infants and primary attended Swimming for Sport at the pool. We were blessed with perfect weather last Friday, and all students engaged positively from Year 1. We will attend again this Friday for the last session. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any queries or concern through the school office


Year 2/3

Year 2/3 have had a great start to the year. We are working on narrative structures in English and reading every day to improve our comprehension skills and to increase our love of reading. In Maths we have been working on place value and recognising and naming 2D shapes and putting them into repeating and growing patterns. We had lots of fun in our first Music lesson for the term learning to play different songs with the boom whackers. In Geography we have been working on a special project for the Boorowa Show, be sure to go and take a look at the school display, you won't be disappointed. We finished the week with learning about water safety during swimming for sport, which was a nice way to cool down. 

Miss Natalie Downey l Year 2/3 Teacher


Yindyamarra students participated in a lesson where we went to the kitchen to cook up the produce from the garden. They prepared zucchini and tomato muffins, as well as a tomato passata intended for use in the winter months in soups and pasta dishes.

Miss Rose Arber Classroom Teacher


Welcome back to our fantastic school for 2024! We have had a very busy start to the year and it certainly feels like the first four weeks have flown.

We are very excited to welcome some new teaching staff into our school for 2024 and the staffing arrangement is as follows:

Kindergarten: Mem Brougham (Assistant Principal – Infants)

Year 1: Emily Friend

Year 2/3: Natalie Downey

Year 3/4: Charlotte Groves

Year 4/5: Matthew Rowley

Year 5/6: Jason Stuart (Assistant Principal – Primary)

Yindy: Rose Arber

RFF and Intervention: Heather Shore and Phoebe Wood

English Intervention: Carol Harpley

Librarian: Lauren Crokett

Learning and Support: Denise Corkhill

Administration: Mary Corkhill

We have a brilliant team who have hit the ground running! We hope you could attend the Meet the Teacher Sessions on Wednesday in our classrooms, and have met our staff. Alternatively, send me an email at any time to put you in touch.

Congratulations to all students who participated in the BCS Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 7th February. What a great day and the following students are Age Champions and Runners Up:

Junior Boys: Champion – Peter Bromham Runner Up – Thomas Ford

Junior Girls: Champion – Lexi-Jay Fitzgerald (Bowler) Runner Up – Harper Mayne

11 Years Girls: Champion – Amali Bush Runner Up – Casey Armour

11 Years Boys: Champion – William Cross Runner Up – Joe Reid

Senior Boys: Champion – Hilton Apps Runner Up – Mason Howell

Senior Girls: Champion – Mila Patyuk Runner Up – Annabelle Smith

Cowra District PSSA Swimming Carnival will be held Friday 1st March 2024 in Grenfell. Notes were sent out in week 3 to district swimmers.

Well done also to our newly elected Sports Captains and Vice Captains for 2024:

Blue Team Captains: Casey Armour and Lisa Taylor Vice-Captains: Roarke Franklin and Eli Hewson

Green Team Captains: Amali Bush and Mason Howell Vice-Captains: Ty Gibbons and Hilton Apps

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

5/6 Classroom

The year 5/6 class has had a brilliant start to the year and their effort, application and behaviour has been outstanding. Well done leaders! We have completed a unit of work on The Invisible Kingdom by Rob Ryan in English and this blends well with our current unit on The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. In Mathematics, we have begun looking at number, specifically place value, size of numbers, addition and subtraction. In Science we are beginning our unit on The Solar System (my favourite), looking at our place in the universe and how incredible things happen every day here, there and everywhere! In PDHPE we are beginning the year looking at team sports and building resilience – understanding how to lose, how to win, how to include others and how to be a good team-mate. This is too often forgotten by children and this has a detrimental effect on the playground and in sports teams.

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information:

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)