Health Centre

Welcome back & I hope you enjoyed a well-deserved rest. A big Welcome to our new families, would love to see your faces, pop in and say hello……..I only have around 200 to memorise !! and I need all the help I can get.
The Health Centre is open from 8:15 to 2:30 & 3:00 to 4:15 daily.
Covid 19 is always around…
We currently have Covid in our school community (Teachers and Students) so please be vigilant and keep your children home if they have the slightest of symptoms. Currently the symptoms associated with Covid are relatively mild due to vaccinations: may include headache, feeling generally unwell, nausea and diarrhoea (with or without flu like symptoms). RATs are available and free from the local libraries. I would also recommend everyone has a Covid booster if it’s been 6 months since having your last vaccination or Covid illness. Immunity wanes over time: only 9% effectiveness after 9 months. Vaccinations are available at the Seymour Medical Clinic by appointment.
This will not only protect other students/families who may be susceptible, it will help protect our staff so they can continue to care and teach your children.
Medical Information
It is a departmental requirement that Medical profiles in PAM need to be updated at the start of the year. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please do ASAP. I am unable to access your child’s profile unless you enable it by this update. If you are having trouble with PAM, please call our office staff to talk you through the process. “Thankyou”
If your child has any Health needs, please pop in for a chat. Any information, tips, tricks or insight to help support them is much appreciated.
Free vaccines for Year 7 and Year 10 students are provided each year as part of the National Immunisation Program. The Mitchell shire team will be on site at 9 am on May 6 (for Yr. 7) & May 20 (for Yr. 10).
Yr. 7 Consent forms went home with your child this week and Yr. 10 consents will be sent out next Monday. Please send back to the office or Health Centre when completed.
Videos & Fact sheets provide information for students on how vaccination protects you, why it’s important, and what to expect when you receive your vaccinations at school.
Year 7 - HPV (human papillomavirus) – single injection
- Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis – single injection
Year 10 - Meningococcal ACWY - single injection
Medications At School
A reminder that if your child needs Medication while at school, it needs to be dispensed from the Health Centre. Along with delivery of the required medications, a Medication Authorisation Form needs to be completed and signed by your GP or Pharmacist. This form is available on the school website, on PAM, from the Health Centre or attached via email for your convenience.
Asthma & Anaphylaxis
As per the Dept of Education, Asthma & Anaphylaxis Action plans need to be updated annually. I will send out reminders to applicable families next week. Please make an appt with your GP to update ASAP.
We currently have 15 individuals who are Anaphylactic to one or more of the following:
We are a NUT FREE school and encourage students not to share food. Currently there is a process for parents/visitors to wash their hands and/or use the baby wipes provided when entering the Primary Learning Centre (PLC). Anaphylaxis is a life threatening medical emergency, and we appreciate your help to keep our students safe.
Cheers & Stay well,
Lisa Glover RN OR