Term 4 Academic Excellence Awards...Presented 15/12/23

Emily L. - 00M
For her hard work and great efforts in Writing this term.
Kirk W. - 1/2B
His attitude towards his Maths work this term has greatly improved. He has consistently been asking me what he can learn next when he finishes a task and wanting to learn more.
Heath W. - 1/2C
For geat improvement in Literacy. Heath is more confident in Reading and Writing, and is now able to sound out unfamiliar words when reading as well as trying his best to spell unfamiliar words.
Violet V. - 1/2R
For her outstanding literacy efforts, completing close to 250 nights of reading, and for constantly putting in 100%.
Jackson R. - 3/4B
During PONT Maths in Term 4, Jackson extended his understanding and knowledge of Maths concepts.
Leila W. - 3/4K
For the exceptional effort she has displayed in Writing and for her wonderful improvements.
Summer C. - 3/4S
Literacy and Numeracy
Summer consistently strives for excellence in all areas of her learning, and she has achieved fantastic results in Reading and Maths this semester as a result of her hard work.
Sahib S. - 5/6B
Literacy and Numeracy
An all rounder who has shown excellence in, and growth in, all areas.
Tenzin W. - 5/6D
The Term 4 Academic Award goes to Tenzin for his growth in Writing this term. His ability to seek and take on feedback to improve himself has set him up well for Year 6.
Bailey C. - 5/6W
Bailey is receiving the 5/6W Term 4 Academic Award for Maths.