From Our School Leaders


What a fabulous night we had at the 2023 Year 6 graduation ceremony last night. It was a wonderful celebration  to close off the journey through primary school. The students all dressed up in their finest and danced the night away in the hall. The organising committee did a fabulous job of decorating the hall, making it very special for the graduates.


There has been a lot of work put into the Year 6 graduation and we’d like to thank the 5/6 teachers for compiling timelines, preparing speeches and organising the student speeches, practices, graduation dances and presents. It all paid off on the night! 


Term Dates For 2024

School resumes for teachers on Monday 29th January 2024. This is our day to welcome our new staff and get ready for the school year. 


Students return on Tuesday 30th January.


Term 1                 Monday 29th Jan – Thursday 28th March

Term 2                 Monday 15th April – Friday 28th June

Term 3                 Monday 15th July – Friday 20th September

Term 4                 Monday 7th October – Friday 20th December


Curriculum Days For 2024


Christmas Dress-up Day Tomorrow 

Our student leaders have asked if we can have a Christmas-themed, free dress day tomorrow. Please come dressed in your Christmas best! 


Our Final Assembly For The Year -                     Wednesday 20th December, 1.00pm

Our final assembly for the year will be held in the hall at 1.00pm tomorrow.  We will be saying goodbye to our Year 6s, watching their dance and Year 6 video, saying goodbye to the families who are leaving SPS, and drawing the Christmas raffle. We hope to see you there. 


School Safety

Over the school holidays, if you are up and about at school and there are any issues, please email either of us or   We will be checking our emails over the holidays. If it is a major concern, please phone Knox Police 9881 7000 or 131 444.



Wishing all of the SPS community a truly wonderful Christmas. Thank you for all of your contributions and support over the year. Schools are wonderful places and a thriving parent community make them even better for our children. 



Scoresby Primary School Leaders