Important Dates 


Week 1

Monday 29 January - Curriculum Day, Student Free Day

Tuesday 30 January -Curriculum Day, Student Free Day

Wednesday 31 January - Students in Years 1-9 begin

Wednesday 31 January - Prep Assessments by appointment

Thursday 1 February - Prep students begin school


Week 2

Monday 5 February - Year One English Online tests commence 

Wednesday 7 February - Prep Assessments by appointment. No school for Prep students.


Week 3

Monday 12 February- Year 3 Information Sessions 6.00pm in student's classrooms

Tuesday 13 February -Prep Information Sessions 8.30am and 6.00pm in the staffroom

Wednesday 14 February - Prep Assessments by appointment. No school for Prep students

Thursday 15 February - Year 1 Information Session 6:00pm in student's classrooms


Week 4

Monday 19 February - Year 7 and 8 Information Sessions 6:00pm

Monday 19 February - Year 4 Information Session 6:00pm

Tuesday 20 February - Year 5 Information Sessions 6.00pm in student's classrooms

Tuesday 20 February - Year 9 Information Session 6:00pm at Coaching Parade Campus

Wednesday 21 February - Prep Assessments by appointment. No school for Prep students

Wednesday 21 February - Year 6 Information Sessions 6:00pm in student's classrooms

Thursday 22 February - Year 2 Information Sessions 6:00pm in student's classrooms

Friday 23 February - Curriculum Day, Student Free Day.


Week 5

Wednesday 28 February - Prep Assessments by appointment. No school for Prep students


Week 6

Friday 8 March - Year 6 Beach Swimming Program

Friday 8 March - Year 1 English Online tests finish 


Week 7

Wednesday 13 March - Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN Assessments commence

Friday 15 March - Year 6 Beach Swimming Program


Week 8

Friday 22 March - Year 6 Beach Swimming Program


Week 9

Monday 25 March - Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN Assessments finish

Monday 25 - Wednesday 27 March - Year 9 Camp to Rumbug

Monday 25 - Thursday 28 March - Year 9 Morrisby Online Profiling

Thursday 28 March - Last day of Term One