Year Eight

Over the past two weeks, our dedicated Year 8 students have been actively engaged in enriching and educational activities. They learned about safety measures and hazard symbols, gaining valuable knowledge to ensure a secure and productive laboratory environment. Understanding the importance of safety protocols is a crucial aspect of their scientific journey. In the coming weeks, our students will embark on an exploration into the intricate realm of cells. This upcoming unit is designed to be both informative and captivating, providing our young scholars with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the building blocks of life. We will explore what cells are and learn about the function of the structures inside them. We will also learn how to use microscopes to compare plant and animal cells.
We commend their commitment to learning and their enthusiasm for discovering the wonders of science. Keep an eye out for more updates on their academic adventures!
Over the first few weeks of Term One, we have begun establishing our English learning routines, and learning about the importance of ‘Mini Lessons’ in developing our understanding of key skills in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
We have also reviewed our knowledge of language conventions as students reflected on the highlights of their holidays through Writing.
Students were also keen to share their reading interests as we defined our understanding of genre, in preparation for beginning our Term One Novel Study: The Hunger Games’.
The Year Eight English Team looks forward to further updating you on the learning journey of Year Eight English in a future newsletter edition.
Health and Physical Education
My name is Kristina Kindtner and I am the Year 8 Health and Physical Education teacher. The Year Eight students have begun the year engaging in team building exercises. I believe it’s important to create an environment where students not only develop physical fitness but also learn valuable life skills such as leadership and cooperation. These exercises have enhanced their communication skills, teaching them to listen actively and collaborate effectively with their peers. This has created a positive and inclusive environment where the students have motivated and encouraged each other. The students have also started practising for their Athletics unit. We have looked at furthering our skills in running and sprinting. They have been introduced to the components of fitness, balance, power, speed and coordination and how this improves your health, wellbeing and self-confidence. They have been practising different starting techniques to assist them with the 100m and 200m sprint. The students are developing their ability to take off on one foot and successfully run the distance. All students have been giving it their best and have been very engaged in all activities.
For Health, students have been learning about the health benefits of physical activity. They have been discussing the importance of staying active and why it is essential to make exercise and physical activity a part of their everyday lives. Students have been focusing on the different types of physical activity and have categorised them into four domains. These four domains are leisure time, household gardening, occupational and active transport activities. They have also been sharing how they implement these types of activities into their daily routine. We are beginning to discuss the importance of staying fit and active and why this is vital for maintaining our overall health and wellbeing. It has been a wonderful start to the term and the students have been enjoying our introduction into our Health lessons.