Level 5 & 6 Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 1


Hello! Welcome to the 5/6 Wonga Weekly. 

Here you will find what the 5/6 students will be getting up to each week, along with any announcements or important dates to note down. 


It has been a delight to meet our new classes over the last few days and we are looking forward to a fun year together. 



We are committed to building a strong learning community as connection enables our students to feel brave, confident and safe in their new classrooms. In our first full week, we will focus on establishing routines, setting goals and building agreed expectations. Your children will have opportunities to share their personal interests and strengths through games, problem solving, collaborative tasks and discussions. 



🌱 Monday 5th of February - Assembly 2:40pm

🌱 Tuesday 6th of February - Safer Internet Day

🌱 Friday 16th of February - Young Leader's Day (Grade 6)

🌱 Friday 16th of February - Interschool Sport - Round 1 vs Sacred Heart PS (Just Grade 5s this week) 



🌱 Thanks to the many families that have already brought in tissues and wipes. If you have not been able to already, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. 

🌱 Students are now encouraged to bring their iPads fully charged each day