Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 1


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Wed 7th Feb: Assessment day. Preps are only required if they are scheduled.

Mon 19th Feb: School Assembly. Parents welcome.


💙💚 Our priority: Over the next few weeks, our focus is on assisting your child to settle into the day and have happy days at school as they navigate their new community. We will build our learning community, develop connections with others, settle into new routines and learn about what makes school a great place to be!


📚Assessment Wednesdays: Our assessments will begin Wednesday. Please see the email we sent with information regarding these sessions, and the attached timetable. 

A few reminders:

-Your child can wear free dress

-They should bring a water bottle

-Parents are not required to stay for this session


🎒Dropping off your child: We have had many successful drop offs already. Congratulations! We understand that drops offs can be tricky when you are leaving a child who is unsettled. Please be reassured that if we don't contact you, your child has settled quickly and is going about the day happily. 

We would like to encourage you to drop your child at the door to allow them to complete their morning tasks independently. We are there to assist them to establish solid morning routines. 


🚗Picking up at the end of the day: You are welcome to pick up your child outside of their 'allocated' time. However, we would appreciate if you could let us know so that we can organise the students to be ready at the correct time / pick up point. 



📚 Reading 

Students will be read lots of story books to help foster a love of reading. They will listen to Big Books and complete an activity related to the book. 


What can you do at home?

-Read to your child at night. As you read, ask your child what is happening in the story as you go.

-Ask your child what stories they listened to at school!


🔡 Phonics 

Students will be introduced to the letter /s/ and its sound. They will learn the cued articulation and brainstorm words that begin with /s/.


What you can do at home?

-Ask your child to show you the cued articulation for /s/ and the sound it makes.

-Discuss words that start with /s/, or contain that sound. 


📝 Writing 

Students will complete their first entry in the journal. We are working on completing a detailed picture (the teacher will scribe for students!).  We will also learn how to write the letter /s/


What can you do at home?

-Make the letter 's' using different sensory experiences eg. with playdough, sand, etc

-Find and recognise the letter 's' in your environment.


🔢  Maths 

Students will talk about counting by singing songs, saying rhymes and recognising numbers. They will count and match numbers to collections. 


What can you do at home? 

-Count to 10 and count collections, remembering to count 1-1 (one point, one number!)

-Play dice games together.


🌏 CBL - Community

Students will explore their school community by meeting their specialist teachers this and having their first lesson with them (Art, P.E, Sensory Gym and Performing Arts and Auslan). We will also be going on school tours to become familiar with the different areas of the school. 

A focus for the term is to practise and use our new friends' names and engage in 'getting to know you' games.