Mountain Biking Competition @ Mount Buller

WHEN: Friday 23rd February

To students & families.


I've learned that some of our students have entered some upcoming Mountain Bike competitions, so I'm posting to see if anyone else might be interested.


The first event is:


Event - Rocky Trail Academy Alpine High Country Schools Mountain Bike Event

Date - Friday 23rd February

Location - Mount Buller, Victoria

Age Groups - Junior, Intermediate & Senior.

Start Time - 9:00am

Official Link & Registration Form -


There are 2 ways this would happen:

1 - Students/Families Make Own Way There. This is already happening, with some having already booked accommodation to stay overnight. I get that due to the danger element of the sport, parents may want to be there on the event day. I also see the merit in riding the track the day before for safety reasons. There could be opportunities to Carpool with other families.


2 - School Takes A Busload. We'd hire a bus with trailer for the bikes. We'd leave about 6:00am and return on the same night. We'd need a decent number of riders to make this viable - fill a 12-seater bus at least.


I don't believe we've ever taken a group to a Mountain Biking Comp before, but if we have enough interest, I think it would be a great addition to the School Sport calendar.


However if families believe it's best to go up themselves, I'm all for that too.


Biking families especially, get in touch with me with what your preference would be.


If anyone is seriously interested, let me know by the end of this week.In any case, you'll need to register yourself at the above link.


By the way, there is a 2nd event, but as it's a week-long event with multiple races, it would be trickier to take a bus, so it would probably (I think) involve you going up yourselves on the particular days you wanted to race.


For your interest however, that 2nd event is:


Event - Boost Mobile Australian Mountain Biking Interschools

Date - Monday 4th March - Friday 8th March

Location - Thredbo, NSW

Link for Info & Registration


PS - Some of you youngsters may not be aware that we had a National Champion (yes, # 1 in Australia) in Mountain Bike Racing just 6 years ago (Riley Corke when he was in Year 8 in 20). Phenomenal really;


Thanks everyone.

  • Jud Mullins - Sport Coordinator