Salesforce Excursion - Student Report

Trip to Salesforce - Student Report

Last week, I had the privilege of embarking on a fascinating excursion to Salesforce; an experience that seamlessly blended learning and enjoyment. As the journey progressed, the scenic route to our destination set the stage for a day of learning.


The immersive session at Salesforce provided me with invaluable insights into the complexities of coding. I was assured that ‘in the real world’, (school aside), googling something, or asking for help is perfectly okay. I learned basic HTML tags, honed my skills in adding style using CSS, and explored the possibilities of what more I could do to a webpage using JavaScript, including the creation of clickable buttons.


The practical, hands-on approach not only solidified my understanding of these programming languages but also allowed me to witness their real-world applications. 


We were also taught a faster and more efficient way to code or ‘alter’ a webpage, using the console on the actual browser. My favourite part of the session was learning how to alter a webpage on your own laptop screen, and taking it home to show my brothers the ‘new design on the Minecraft website’ 😃.


It was undeniably hard work, but surprisingly, I had an absolute blast.


Despite the challenges, the fun and excitement of applying newfound knowledge and learning hands on, outside of a typical school environment, made the entire experience truly enjoyable.

by Fatima 10L