This week's notes

Dear families and friends,


Welcome back to the 2024 school year. We hope everyone enjoyed their summer break and are ready to continue their learning at Cavendish Primary School.

This year we welcome four new students Mark Kelsall and Harry Newley in Foundation and Maddie Porter and Travis Reed in Year 3.  We hope that our new families enjoy their time at Cavendish PS


Please note we have had a slight adjustment to our teaching timetable in 2024;

 Monday -Wednesday -     F/1 - Amy Gray

 (3 classes)                           2/3 - Lisa Ferrier

                                                 5/6 - Sally Purnell

Thursday -  F/1/2 - Amy Gray

                       3/5/6 - Lisa Ferrier

Friday -        F/1/2 - Amy Gray

                      3/5/6 - Sally Purnell

Mrs. Barber will take Music and German on Tuesdays

Mrs Girdwood will take Wellbeing on Thursdays

Mrs. Bell will be School Tutor on Wednesday and Thursday

Mrs. Smith takes MARC Van on Fridays


2024 School Leaders Assembly

This Monday, 5th February we will be holding an Assembly at 9:00 am to present badges to the 2024 Leadership Group. 

We are very excited to have Roger Edwards, Southern Grampians Citizen of The Year, presenting the badges to the students.

Parents are invited to join us for this occasion.


Picnic Sports 2024

We have set the date for our fun Picnic Sports for Thursday 29th February on the school oval.  Mark it in your diary as this is always a fun and friendly day that the kids love.

Parents, don't forget to practice for the Gumboot Toss!

More information to come soon.


Camps, Sports & Excursion Funding

Families that hold concession cards may be entitled to funding to go towards camps, sports and excursions.  If you have a concession card please speak to Tammy so she can apply on your behalf.



Just a reminder that we have children at school allergic to nuts, peanut butter, eggs, and kiwi fruit. We would appreciate it if these food items are not brought to school. Thank you.


Lions Club paper truck loading

The Cavendish Lions Club are loading a paper truck on Sunday 25th February.  As always any help from 10am onwards would be greatly appreciated by the Committee.


Lunch Orders - Bridge Cafe

The Bridge Cafe will once again being doing lunch orders for students on a Friday. Parents are able to order lunch up until 11am on Fridays.  Lunch will be delivered to school by the Bridge Cafe.  Please see attached a list of food items available.


Redgum Festival

The Cavendish Redgum Festival Committee are holding a movie fundraiser.  If interested in going please contact Sue as per the below flyer.



Have lovely weekend

Sally Purnell

Acting Principal