Staff News

The highly anticipated CPS production of Peter Pan is fast approaching! This year you will be able to keep the memory forever by purchasing either a DVD or a downloadable, private, password-protected link. This link will allow you to watch the production by downloading it (which can then be saved onto a USB and viewed on a Smart TV or PC). 


The costs are as follows:

  • HD Online Streaming & Downloading = $20 inc GST ($25 when purchased after the concert date)
  • DVD = $25 inc GST ($30 when purchased after the concert date)
  • BluRay = $25 inc GST ($30 when purchased after the concert date)

Early Bird Special Price, save $5


Please use this link to order your link or DVD now!


Any proceeds made on preorder purchases will go directly towards the costs involved in putting on this incredible performance. So please buy your copy before the date of the production to support Caulfield Primary School.

Physical Education in Term 3


At the end of Term 2, an application was submitted for a Term 3, Sporting Schools Grant. Our application was successful, and $3,000 was granted to our school for Physical Education and Sports enhancement to be spent during Term 3.

The funding is currently being spent on intensive Basketball coaching for each grade 3-6 class in preparation for the annual grade 3/4 and grade 5/6 Southport Basketball Gala Day at the end of Term 3. Each class is engaging in four sessions with one of our professional coaches. We have also purchased custom made CPS Basketball pole padding for our school grounds.


Over the past two weeks, our grade 3-6 students have been enjoying a unique opportunity to learn from two professional basketball coaches from the McKinnon Basketball Association (Briana or Dean), right here on our school grounds.  The coaches bring a wealth of experience and expertise, enriching our students’ understanding of basketball. We’re thrilled to report that the program has been a resounding success so far! Our students are not just benefiting from the top-notch coaching, but also building their confidence and forming lasting memories with professional basketball players and coaches.


With two more weeks to go, I can’t wait to see the continued growth and progress of our students. Stay tuned for more updates.























Coach Profiles


Briana Gray: American All Star, Guard / Forward, currently signed to McKinnon Cougars. A very experienced player who has had success in top leagues around the world; Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Portugal and for Eurocup clubs. She played with Hume City Broncos last season on the Big V championship where she led the league in rebounds, MVP runner up and was named Big V Championship All Star player.

Dean Nakos: 15 years of basketball experience, coaching for 7 years. Has coached domestic teams, rep teams, junior programs, holiday camps, advanced programs and private 1 on 1 and group sessions. Currently coaching 12.1s and last year’s 18.1s in VC (Victorian Championship). Has had the opportunity to work alongside coaches and players that have been involved in the nbl, nbl 1, big v and state programs. 




Keep Active and Enjoy a great weekend, 


Ms. Molloy


Book Week (Monday 21st – Friday 25th of August)


Just a friendly reminder that the Book Week dress up day and parade will be held on Wednesday the 23rd of August at 9:15. Parents are invited to attend. Students are asked to come dressed up as their favourite book character. The best dressed student per year level will win a $20 book voucher.


Caulfield Primary Book Fair 2023

Each year Caulfield Primary run a Book Fair. The Book Fair is run this year in conjunction   with The Avenue Bookstore in Elsternwick. This will be held on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th August.

Students can purchase books from the Book Fair from Thursday 24th August before school at 8.15am to 9.00am and after school between 3.30pm to 4.15pm and Friday 8.15am to 9.00am. The Book Fair will be held in the Common Room (next to the library). 

Eftpos machine will be available. Cash is also welcomed.

With each book sold, 20% of commission is redeemed and allows our school to then spend as vouchers at the Avenue Bookstore. Books bought with the commission will go into our library.

All students will be given the opportunity to browse all of the books from the Book Fair during their library lessons on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Don’t forget, when purchasing books anytime from Avenue Bookstore, you can donate your loyalty points to the Caulfield Primary School account. With every book purchase 10% is redeemed.

If there are any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to come and speak with me.




Visit from Hiroshima Jyogakuin


We had visitors, Year 9 and 10 students from Hiroshima Jyogakuin in Japan on Aug 3. They were visiting Kilvington Grammar School and came to Caulfield Primary School to do cultural activities. Students had a good time, were excited to learn origami from them and Year 3/4 students joined in dancing ‘Soran-bushi’ with them even though a lot of them had said earlier, “I don’t want to perform Soran-bushi in front of the students”.  They joined in without being asked.