Assistant Principal News

Week 5 Greetings


I hope this newsletter finds our Caulfield families well. I’d like to express my gratitude to our students and parents who made the Principals Day so special for Mr Strain and myself. It is one of many opportunities when I reflect and feel honoured being an Assistant Principal of our school. I would also like to show my appreciation to Mr Strain whose passion to our school continues to motivate us all to improve and develop as educators. 



Snapshots from the classrooms


When I visited Y1/2B students in Mrs Watt’s classroom, they were about to start writing a story, using a visual image as an inspiration. Students were learning the elements of good narrative texts, such as title, introduction including a sizzling start, body, resolution and ending. Later that day, Raiden, Kalina, Julian, Ally and Owen visited me and shared their writing. They completed a story of high quality, using the skills that they learnt in the classroom. Well done, everyone!! 1・2年生の英語の教室では、生徒たちは物語を描いていました。その日の午後、レイデン、カリーナ、ジュリアン、アリー、オウェンが書き上がった物語を持ってオフィスに会いに来てくれました。彼らがかいた物語はとても面白く、読んでいてワクワクしました。子供達の想像力はとても素晴らしいですね。授業で習った物語を書くために必要な要素も、きちんとつかえていました。












In Numeracy lessons in Y1/2, students were learning the concept of fractions. This was tied up with the skills that they need to read time on an analogue clock. This is another example of great explicit teaching that happens in our classroom, making connection between mathematical concepts and real-life situation while teaching students new Japanese vocabulary. 1・2年生の算数のレッスンでは、現在生徒たちは分数の勉強をしています。私が教室を訪れた時は、分数の概念とアナログ時計を読むスキルにつなげる勉強をしていました。実生活で使える算数の知識をたくさん養って欲しいです。


In Year 5/6 English classroom, students have been working on a novel study and reading “Storm Boy”. The learning intention of this lesson was “Writing a story from an alternative point of view”, so I asked students how the original story was written. Omar, Jahnnah and Liam explained to me that an omniscient narration was used in the original version. Tom also explained to me that students had to consider the internal and external characteristics of one particular character which would then guide them to understand how the character might be perceiving the events happening in the story. I was very impressed with the depth of learning in their classroom. 現在、5・6年生の英語の授業では、『ストーム・ボーイ』の文章研究をしています。この日の学習は、「違った観点から物語をかく」ということに焦点を当てていました。元々のストーリーはどの人の観点から書かれていたのかと尋ねると、オマー、ジャナ、リアムがomniscient narration(=全知ナレーション:登場人物の心情や行動、物語の展開などを全て知っている視点で物語を語る方法)で書かれていると教えてくれました。また、特定の登場人物の観点を理解するために、その登場人物の内的・外的特徴をよく研究したとトムが説明してくれました。とても深みのある学習に関心しました。

















Until next fortnight,


Miharu Morioka