Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Scotsburn Assemblies

Friday 25th August

Friday 8th September

Whole School Assemblies

Friday 1st September

Friday 15th September

Science Day @ Buninyong CampusFriday 18th August
Grade 3/4 CampMonday 21st August - Tuesday 22nd August
Book WeekMonday 21st August - Friday 25th August
Fathers’ Day StallWednesday 30th August
Buninyong 150 Year CelebrationsFriday 1st September
Division AthleticsTuesday 5th September
VSSS Rehearsal Days

Thursday 7th September

Friday 8th September

Celebration of LearningWednesday 13th September
Last Day of TermFriday 15th September

Bunjil Award Winners

Congratulations to last week’s Bungil Award winners!


Kyrah E-D

Florence H


Wil B

Seth H


Isla G

Harry B

Science Week Celebration - Day at Buninyong Campus

This Friday, we will be Spending the day at the Buninyong campus, to celebrate National Science Week. At Buninyong, we will be participating in science-related activities, in our Family Groups. We have lots of fun planned! 


Please remember our Buninyong drop off and pick up arrangements on Friday, including meeting in the courtyard at the beginning and end of the day. 


While we are enjoying our Science Day at Buninyong, the Young Authors’ Program will be utilising the Scotsburn campus facilities. This program is designed to inspire and extend talented writers, bringing together students from a range of schools in Ballarat to participate in workshops with authors and writers from various backgrounds. 

From Scotsburn, we have Amity participating in the program - well done Amity!

Book Week

Monday 21st - Friday 25th is Book Week! This year’s theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. We are getting so excited about all the fun that will be taking place in the classrooms and at lunchtime throughout the week in celebration of Book Week. We have decided that we will not have a dress up day this year, as we have a dress up day planned for our 150th celebrations on September 1st, and we are mindful of not asking too much of our parents.


One of our major activities taking place this year again is our Buninyong Book Swap Bonanza. We are asking all students to donate a book (or more if you would like) from home that they have read, is in good condition, and they no longer want but know that someone else would. Teachers will be setting up a ‘stall’ on Thursday across the campus for students to come and choose a book that has been donated. Students will get the chance to browse and choose a book to take home and keep (no cost involved).  Everyone will go home with a book! If students could have their donated book to school by Tuesday 22nd August, that would be fantastic. If you have any questions, please contact Ana via email – 

Parent Volunteering and Assistance

A big thank you to the parents who have returned the volunteering note to their classroom teachers. 

This afternoon, I will be sending out via Compass a schedule of volunteer help, as well as a link to a Google Doc, where parents can add their name where they would like. If you are having trouble accessing or editing the document, please come and see Jarrod. 

Thanks in advance!

Some Sickness at the Campus

Over the past few weeks, we have experienced some bugs going around at the campus, with quite a few students (and a staff member or two) away ill. As we know at a small campus, it doesn’t take much for a virus to spread, and we are making sure that our hygiene and cleanliness practices are in full force both in the classroom and in the yard.

Please remember that if your child is sick with a cough or runny nose,  please keep them at home until they are feeling better and are symptom free. It is important that students are not coming to school with cold and flu-like symptoms, where germs and viruses can be easily spread. Feel free to contact your teacher if you are unsure.

A reminder also that if your child is away sick, to record on your parent compass or contact the Buninyong office so that it is recorded as an explained absence. Scotsburn teachers can assist with this if you have any troubles.

Eggs for sale 

 If you would like to buy some fresh free range eggs please see any of the Scotsburn staff. 

1 Dozen $6 or ½ dozen $3


SC1 Learning Snapshot

Students have been extremely proud of their achievements in the last week. In Writing, we completed our published pieces of non-fiction texts. We are excited to share these with you at our Celebration of Learning in week 10. The next stage will be to create a digital text, based on these flip books. 


In Maths, we have been learning about division, or ‘fair share/share between’. We have been creating oral stories based on the concept of division. For example, ‘I have 14 cookies. I shared them evenly between 2 plates. Each plate has 7 cookies.’ Students came up with some great models and loved sharing them with SC2. 


This week our focus for Respective Relationships is around practising solving simple interpersonal problems and identifying ways to care for others (including ways of making and keeping friends). We will continue this focus throughout the next few weeks where we will also discuss the importance of seeking help when dealing with problems that are too big to solve alone and seeking help from adults and peers.


Have a fantastic week.


Ana and Kirsty. 

SC2 Learning Snapshot

Congratulations to SC2 who last week completed the backpack challenge! We have been lucky enough to conduct some short interviews with some of our SC2 superstars who were able to partake in the challenge:


Hamish: “Since the backpack challenge, I realise more what it is like to be a refugee. It was challenging to walk for such long distances with our heavy bags whilst completing the challenge”.


Luke: “The backpack challenge was really hard because I had to carry my backpack for such a long time” 


Albus: “The backpack challenge made me learn about refugees and that they can’t just leave their backpacks on the ground as they will get stolen” 


Linc: “The backpack challenge was tiring, and it was hard to carry the bags for so long. It made me learn how hard it would be for refugees to do this everyday”

SC3 Learning Snapshot

Over the last week, SC3 have been working feverishly on their narrative stories, and are now in the process of finalising their drafts and moving towards editing and publishing into real life books! We can’t wait to show off our SC3 student library at the Celebration of Learning in Week 10. 

Today we entered the classroom to a crime scene!!! Students have spent the day collecting clues and making wonderful inferences about what might have occurred. This might be a pint of discussion at the dinner table tonight!


We look forward to our Science Day at Buninyong on Friday, where we will learn lots and have heaps of hands-on fun. 


Have a great week everyone,



Physical Education and Performing Arts 

Just a friendly reminder that on Thursdays, all students have Performing Arts and PE. To make the activities safe and enjoyable for everyone could you please ensure that your child/children wear runners and bring a drink bottle that is clearly named. 

Japanese News

Below are a couple of awesome videos from the Japanese room in the last few weeks:


Scotsburn Focus Phrase of the Fortnight:


Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team