Engagement & Wellbeing

Asthma Management 

We know winter can be a difficult, tiring, and frustrating season for people with asthma. Cooler weather can often be a trigger for asthma and, at this time of year, can be hard to avoid. 


Can we ask that you please ensure that the school has an up to date asthma action plan and also an inhaler kept at school for when required for your child/ren. 


Contact the office to check if you are unsure. 

Scrap Metal Collection

Last week we had Graham, one of the volunteers from the Ballarat Tool Library, come along and collect some scrap metal that we had at school. This included bases from damaged chairs and tables, as well as some very old filing cabinets. 


Some of our grade 5/6 students enthusiastically helped to prepare the items for collection and were very handy on the drills and screwdrivers to separate the metal from other damaged components. 


Graham let us know that we had over 700kg of metal that went to be recycled. It’s great to know this didn’t end up in landfill, will be turned into some new products and also helped out the tool library!

Recranked Program

Some year 5/6 students are participating in the Recranked Program, run by the YMCA. This is a term based “hands on” program where students are supported to learn basic bike maintenance and restoration skills, through transforming a bike in disrepair into an almost new bike!


ReCranked in schools builds core skills such as confidence and team work, while also developing meaningful relationships with peers. It is strengths based and focuses on making learning fun.


The bikes repaired will be looking for new homes! If you or anyone you know would like a serviced bike in good condition, please contact the school.


We are also looking for any bikes needing repair! These can be donated and the recranked kids will do them up and send them to the recranked program. 


We can also work on bikes that you would like returned. Please get in touch with william.georgiou@education.vic.gov.au to chat further. 

Bunjil Student Awards


Congratulations to the following students who received a Bunjil Award at last week’s 3/4 assembly.



Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.


Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoy a hot chocolate with a principal.