
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Innovation and Design


We have continued to develop our understanding of food production and the designs and innovations that have been put in place to produce our food. 


In Foundation students have continued to explore how food is grown. They have learnt about vegetables that grow underground and above ground. They explore fruits that grow on vines and on trees. Students in Foundation are now beginning to learn about the journey of food from the farm, to the supermarket and to their homes. 


In Years 1 to 2 students have been exploring the design process. We have developed plans of what a vegetable or fruit garden could look like and tested these designs through making three dimensional models using play dough. Students thought about their plans and how successful they were when making their models. They then revisited their initial plans and made adjustments that would improve their garden designs. Students were able to reflect on their designs and discuss what they could improve to make their design more purposeful.


Our students in Years 3 to 6 have continued to learn about safety in the kitchen and have enjoyed making a range of healthy recipes. Students have learnt about the range of climates across Australia and how this impacts what fruits and vegetables are grown in different regions and at different times of the year. Students have begun to make links between food waste and sustainability and the resources that are lost due to food wastage.





Foundation and Year 1 students are exploring the characteristics of living things. We drew diagrams of the respiratory system and labelled our drawings using key scientific words such as trachea and lungs. To explore reproduction, we explored online games to match the names of baby and adult animals. For example, a joey is the baby of a kangaroo. In the next few weeks, we explore how living things survive and move. 




Year 2 students have been learning Botany which is the study of plants so far in the term. They have learnt about pollination, photosynthesis and are currently exploring the life cycle of Tomato plant and Eucalyptus trees. They drew diagrams and discussed the various life processes that happen in the stages of the life cycle of a plant. This week onwards the students have started to explore Zoology (study of animals) and have discovered the eating habits and needs of the Australian King Parrot. Over the coming weeks, the students will explore the life cycles of Kangaroos, fish and Cassowary.


Happy Science week! This week, Years 3-6’s worked in groups of 4 to design and create a prototype of their insect traps using limited resources (paper, sticky tape, vanilla swab, foil and personal writing materials). 



Year 3 students have been biologists in the classroom! We have explored the importance of pollination and how different pollinators (such as bees and bats) help this process. We worked in teams to sort different leaf and flower shapes on Seesaw. Moving into Zoology, students will be challenged to explore the lifecycle and purposes of observable features of different animals.


Year 4 students have been learning Botany which is the study of plants so far in the term. They have learnt about pollination (cross and self pollination), the factors external (pollinators) and internal factors that aid pollination. They are currently exploring the life cycle of Tomato plants. They drew diagrams and discussed the various life processes that happen in the stages of the life cycle of a plant. This week onwards the students have started to explore Zoology (study of animals) and have designed innovative insect traps to trap and study extra-terrestrial insects that have invaded the earth during Science week! Over the coming weeks, the students will explore the roles that animals and plants play in the food chain of the ecosystem.




Years 5 and 6 students have continued to be challenged to explore how different plants adapt (change) to survive in the water and rainforest. We have watched various videos to deepen our scientific understanding and explanations. New words we have learnt are xerophytes, hydrophytes and epiphytes. Beginning our study in Zoology, students will be further challenged to explore, research and record how different animals adapt (change) to survive in the sky, land and underwater. 



Physical Education

Craigieburn North District Athletics Carnival - 

On Monday the 14th of August, the Athletics Team from Gilgai Plains participated in the next round of the Craigieburn North Athletics carnival. The weather was great and our students made a fantastic effort securing many wins for our school. It was great to see all of the students' hard work and training paying off and the smiles on their faces. The competition was tough and out of the 8 schools present on the day, we were able to secure 2nd place overall. Gilgai Plains Primary School is proud of these students and their dedication and efforts. There is a large number of students who have progressed to the next round of the competition and we are looking forward to seeing them strive to succeed. 

Once again congratulations to these students and their families. 





Our Foundation children have been learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of Vertical Leap. This is an essential skill that children will require for the rest of their lives. As part of the Vertical Leap children have learnt about the ‘Motorbike Landing’ which is a technique that we use for a range of jumping activities to ensure we land in a safe way. The Foundation children will begin learning about the Underarm Throw.


Years 1&2

Our Year 1&2 students have been learning another Fundamental Motor Skill, this time our focus has been on the Ball Bounce. This skill is a crucial part of physical development and helps to promote more gross motor skills. 

During this unit we have been focusing on the sport of Basketball, students have been participating in a range of drills and games that challenge their bouncing skills and ball control. The Year 1 children will move onto Underarm Throw while our Year 2 children will move onto the Fundamental Motor Skill of Punt.


Years 3 - 6

August is always a busy time in year 3-6 Physical Education, we have had multiple inter-school sporting events, Athletics carnivals and other sporting commitments. Our focus this term has been on the Forehand Strike, this skill is a Fundamental Motor Skill that is important in the development of many other sporting movements/actions. We have been focusing on this skill while learning Badminton, Downball and Tennis. 

Students have enjoyed the opportunity to try these sports and their skills have strongly developed throughout the unit. 

It has been great to see students coming to the gym at lunch asking to borrow equipment so they can continue to practise during recess and lunch. 

As usual, we encourage families to support their children in practising these skills at home and after school. We are lucky to have 4 local tennis courts located at Kalkallo Recreation Reserve (right next to the school's back fence), that are free to book and hire. If you are looking at booking these courts, the link is https://play.tennis.com.au/court-hire 


Our next focus for this term is on Rugby, we will be focusing on both the skills and Technique needed to play the sport. At the end of the unit we will get into some Gameplay where students will be able to show their newly learnt skills and possibly try-out for our schools Rugby Team. 

Performing Arts

Student’s are beginning to explore devised and scripted drama. They are working together with their peers to create polished performances. Students have been exploring vocal and physical theatre warm ups to get the best out of their performances. 


Our End of Year Concert will be occurring in Term 4 (Dates to be announced). All students will participate in a class performance for this event. Rehearsals are underway and we can not wait to see them shine on the stage. 


Last Friday, the grade 5/6 students attended an incredible excursion to the Australian Centre of Contemporary Art and The National Gallery of Victoria. Students saw famous artworks by Picasso, Renoir, Monet, Warhol, Modigliani and more. On behalf of Gilgai Plains Primary School we would like to thank ACCA and NGV for a wonderful experience and day out.