Year 2

Ms Gililand, Mr Rowley, Ms Michetti and Ms Kay

Year 2 August Newsletter 

Hello Year 2 families! We are very proud of the way all students are progressing and learning throughout the term.


In Literacy, students have been successful in completing the stage 7.2 graphemes and phonemes from the Little Learners Love Literacy program.


In Writing, we have been teaching students how to write an information text. Students have been learning about keywords and how to identify them in an information text. We will continue to use our keywords and begin to use them when writing complete sentences.



In Numeracy, we have been learning a range of strategies to solve multiplication sums. Students have shown their understanding of arrays, groups of, repeated addition and skip counting. They have also explored the connection between multiplication and division. Next the students will explore fractions of a shape and a collection, looking specifically at halves, quarters and eighths.



We have been exploring different landmarks and tourist attractions around Australia. We have visited Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. Where will we go next?


Have you visited any of these tourist attractions in Australia?