From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Dear Parents & Carers,

School Values

At Gilgai Plains Primary School, our values are not just words on a page. Our values dictate the way we learn, play and behave and we continue to revisit their meaning and their importance, with our students. One of the values that often sparks interest in visitors, is the value of ZEST. Why is the value of Zest important?


Zest, for both students and staff, plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant and thriving educational environment. It encompasses a sense of enthusiasm, energy and passion that fuels motivation. A zestful attitude empowers students to take ownership of their learning, leading to improved academic performance and greater confidence.

Research shows that zest is associated with fewer issues of anxiety and depression. This suggests that the cultivation of zest can serve as a buffer against mental illness. Youths with high levels of zest also tend to excel academically and lead happier, brighter lives. 

Character strengths such as ZEST, can be developed and strengthened to support us to manage problems and difficulties more effectively and have a positive effect on our wellbeing.


Small positive zesty actions, such as smiling and saying hello, can have a huge impact and change the way that someone might be feeling. At Gilgai Plains Primary, this shows our students that they are seen and that they matter and nothing is better than when a student smiles back and asks us how our day is going. That makes our day!

Book Week

We have another exciting week coming up, as we celebrate authors and illustrators in Book Week. Our Book Character Parade on Friday morning will see our beautiful school come alive with a vibrant display of literary personalities. Our Book Character Parade cultivates our sense of community as we come together to celebrate our shared love for reading. I can’t wait to see all of our favourite book characters come to life. Parents & carers are invited back to the classrooms to enjoy some sharing of our favourite stories. Please join us in the fun.


Important Calendar Dates

We have put all the important dates for the remainder of the year in the Office section of this newsletter. They are also on our calendar in Compass.