From the Leadership Team
What a buzz it was on Tuesday night!
Students and their families from Years 9 -11 came together to walk through the Careers Expo and then attend a series of information sessions to start the 2024 course selection process.
As students move into the senior years, the variety of subjects from which students can choose increases. For some students this is the freedom they have been waiting for and for others it is a much larger conundrum. This time is the coming together of ideas for their post school pathways, considerations about what subjects they are good at and also what subjects they enjoy. Every student sits somewhere on the `clarity continuum'.
This time of year can be quite overwhelming for some, especially those who sit at the hazy end of the continuum. It is helpful to remember that wherever a students sits, that is OK. It is OK to not know what the post school priorities are, and it is equally as OK to have a very firm idea. Regardless, students are encouraged to speak to as many people as possible about what their work life is like and the journey they have taken to get there. This builds understanding and comfort in the many paths we all take to build a career.
It is tempting when we are unsure of a direction, to choose subjects that appear `expected'. Students are encouraged to choose subjects that they enjoy and are good at and this will naturally lead them on a pathway that is relevant to them. For some a more traditional subject focus is highly relevant and for others it is not. Our main aim at subject selection is for students to choose what is best for them and their possible future pathways.
Students moving into the senior years have received their Subject Preference forms for 2024 already and those entering Year 11 and Year 12 will begin their Course Counselling sessions in the coming weeks. Students from Year 7 and 8 will be receiving their forms soon. We strongly advise all students and their families to read the Curriculum Guides carefully, watch any subject videos and ask questions of teachers to find out further information about specific subjects.
While sometimes stressful, this is a very exciting time of year. It reminds me of the Dr Seuss book, Oh the places you'll go! (2011).
"Kid you'll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!"
The opportunities for all students are many and varied. As parents and caregivers, you will walk this journey with your children and be proud of their achievements across a lifetime. For us as College staff, we see the start of this journey only and what a privilege it is to start this journey with students.
"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with your gift is your gift back to God" Leo Buscaglia
Sandra Barry
Director of Learning