Student news & reviews

World Dance workshop - Prep students

As part of this term’s whole school Concept Curriculum focus, ‘We can learn from history’, Prep students participated in a World Dance workshop on Friday 1st September. We celebrated different cultures by immersing ourselves in a world of traditional styles of music, dance and costumes. Our dance teacher, Mary, helped us to explore Latin, Bollywood, African and Spanish dance steps to wonderful sounds from across the globe. We had fun dressing up in costumes and playing a range of different instruments too! Have a look at our photos to see what we got up to.


Miss Kelaart and Ms Cheong


PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Awarded Friday 1st September

Prep K - Ann

Prep C - Edward

1R - Joshua

1E - Chloe

2Q - Talitha

2U - Navya

3S - Joshua

3N - Eelon

4D - Elkan

4H - Aarna

5/6L - Alhan & Katie

5/6G - Jayden & Shannon

5/6D - Noa & Zoe