Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Linda Wakeling

This fortnight has been another busy one for the Secondary Students. As it is the end of the term there were many tired students and staff but thankfully there was lots of exciting things to look forward to. 



Friday was a wrap up some of our students who have been visiting this term. It has been a fantastic opportunity to go along with one of the groups and to see what our students experience when they are there. The support workers at Brite have reported back that they love it when our students visit Brite. They know that whatever task we do will be done quickly and efficiently. They even give some of the more challenging tasks as they know how amazing our students are. Our students learn about work expectations, working as a team, communication skills, warehouse, and factory skills in a safe and adjusted environment to suit our students. Brite is an amazing place that some of our students end up going to after they graduate year 12. If you would like more information about Brite please contact Karen Glare. 


Brotherhood of St Laurence 

This has been an ongoing opportunity for our Advance students this term. I have heard really positive feedback from our staff and the workers at Brotherhood of St Laurence. The students help with all tasks including sorting, folding, hanging up clothes, pricing, creating displays, working at the register and engaging with customers. Our students have used valuable literacy and numeracy kills that were taught in the classroom and used them in real life situations. Students each week are always very excited to be going and take their jobs very seriously. 


Football Day and House Colour Day

Students dressed up on Wednesday in their football colours. As usual there was some friendly cheering and bantering regarding which team is the best! Students enjoyed having a dance in the CLH for the house colour disco party. This event was organised and run by our student leaders. Our student leaders have been working hard this year with organising events and sharing information with everyone in the school. This is another group of students who take their job very seriously but at the same time have plenty of fun together. A huge thankyou to Juri and our student leaders for organising another fantastic event for JSA. 


Our classrooms have been busy practising their concert pieces for term 4. This year we see the return of the end of year concerts for each sub school. Our students are planning, creating props, videos and coordinating dance moves. Teams have been busy getting everything ready and it will be great to see the final concerts. 


It’s hard to believe that term 3 has come to an end. Thank you to students, staff and families for making term 3 a success. I wish you all a safe and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you all in term 4. 










Room 23


Room 23 have had a very busy term and the students have done a lot of learning! In Mathematics we have been learning about Australian money: what the values are of each note and coin, the history behind each note and coin, how to make the same amounts with different notes and coins and how to work out change and count it back. In English we came up with ideas for writing a short creative story. Everyone chose an idea and used a narrative writing organiser to plan out their writing task. We had to list the main characters, the setting, state the problem, what happens in the beginning, middle, devise a solution and then state what happens in the end. So far everyone has completed the beginning of their stories. Next term we will finish our stories and we will choose one of them to turn into a film script. We will then allocate acting and crew roles and make a film. We will undertake pre-production (planning), production (filming) and post-production (editing). We will present the film to all the students and staff in the secondary sub school and also to leadership and the principal team. It will be posted on Seesaw for parents/carers to view as well. 

Students have also enjoyed the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden Program. They love cooking and in particular loved making pizza and frittata this term. They love spending time in our garden at school; looking at the plants growing and watering them as these are Room 23’s favourite things to do in the garden. The Hands-on Learning Build Program has been very successful with the students. They have enjoyed making coasters, condiment trays, a bench seat to go outside the sensory room and have undertaken some demolition. In Science, students have also enjoyed learning about Aboriginal seasons in comparison to Western seasons. In Personal and Social Capabilities students have been able to identify their personal strengths and explain what they are. 

Room 23 have continued doing the secondary assemblies every fortnight via WebEx. Students have engaged immensely with this and they have all become professionals at presenting the assembly! We have been fortunate to have Ela from Room 22 assist us with the assemblies as well. Ela has been of great help and has a done a great job! 

Brite has certainly been the highlight of the term. Every Thursday this term the students have attended Brite for the entire day where they undertake work experience. Students worked in the warehouse packing items for various companies and they have also enjoyed working in the nursery looking after plants for places like Bunnings and other local nurseries. The staff at Brite have loved having the students and have commended them on their hard and efficient work. Some students have decided that they would like to go to Brite when they finish school at JSA. 

Room 23 are looking forward to the term 3 school holidays which commence at the end of this week. We hope that everyone has a relaxing break so that they are ready to start the last term of the year. We cannot believe how fast the year has flown! Happy holidays everyone!