Primary Sub-School News

It is the end of the term already, and we have a lot of positive events to reflect on. We have shopped at the Father's Day Stall and Book Fair, enjoyed some dress up days, danced wth Musica Viva and this week, we celebrated football teams and had a disco. What fun our students had at the disco! They copied dance moves and played with the sensory decorations. The engagement from the student's clearly showed that they enjoyed this special activity.
Term 4 will bring a lot more learning and fun for our students. Kinder Gym will continue for our Prep students every Monday afternoon. A special treat for families will be the end of year Performance, where our students will perform on stage! Life Education will visit with "Healthy Harold" to teach students how to look after their growing bodies. This will be an interactive "hands on" way for the students to learn.
As the term concludes, I wish all our families a safe and enjoyable term break, and we look forward to seeing our studends back next term Term 4 will begin on Monday 2nd October.
Rachael Macmillan
Room 5
Room 5 has had a wonderful term with so many hands-on and engaging learning experiences! The staff in room 5 are very proud of the progress student’s have made this term. It has been a pleasure seeing the students build friendships and looking out for one another in our classroom. The students have been very interested in our science topic this term exploring space and were very excited to make their own paper mâché planets. It has been delightful to see them so engaged throughout the process and admiring their work displayed in the classroom. In maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction. The students have participated in a variety of counting activities and some have been learning strategies such as using manipulatives, counting on, counting back and number lines and to help solve addition and subtraction problems. The students have also been making significant progress in phonics lessons. Everyone loved our excursion to Lollipops Playland, and we are looking forward to our upcoming excursion to the Werribee Zoo! This term, we have also been practicing our dance for our concert performance that will take place in Term 4. The students have been doing a great job practicing every week. We are looking forward to many more learning opportunities and memorable experiences next term.