Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The Yaluk Building is progressing at the moment. Last Friday the staff were invited to a "Walk through" the new building. Armed with maps, staff could identify the various rooms that are in the new building. Most student areas had tall narrow windows which reduce the chance of breakage. Over the sinks in the classroom are foldback windows so the students can work outside the window e.g. doing a science experiment and still have access to water through the window space.
Staff were surprised how the high roof on the gym made it look so spacious. It is not big enough to house a full sized basketball court but is much larger than half a court. The adjoining performing arts room which becomes the stage to the gym. We can look forward to its use for the school productions for next year. We are very grateful to the fundraising committee who are putting the money they raise to purchase stage curtains - which had to be sacrificed in the cost reductions. The initial quote was about $70,000 so they are an expensive, but vital purchase.
Emergency Management Plan
The School EMP has been updated for the 2023/2024 year. This is a dynamic document so we can update as is needed. (see attachment below)
Dr Denise Clarke
Capital Works Manager
Facilities News
Works that have been planned for the Term 3 break.
- Upgrade to Secondary toilets
- Skylights
- Exhaust fans
- Hand wash sinks
- Roof, guttering and eaves to be replaced Room 20 and HLK
- Middle School meeting space roof and ceiling will be repaired.
- Footpaths around the school will be repaired.
The school has just signed off on the tender documents for the Planned Maintenance Program that was awarded to the school. The tender will be released Thursday 21 September 2023.