Principal's News Flash

Corinne Pupillo
Dear parents, carers and friends of the school community,
The last two week of the term have been filled with lots of extra curricula activities that have had a positive impact on students. From House Colours Disco Day to Footy Day and "Are you OK? day. Our staff and students have been celebrating the end of the term and connecting with each other for a range of activities designed to enhance school pride.
Footy Day 2023
It was great to see so many students and staff in displaying the footy colours on Wednesday. A special acknowledgment to the fabulous fundraising team for your hard work in preparing lunch orders for all our students and staff. We really appreciate what you do for our community.
A BIG thank you to Kristen Ballerini, Lisa Sette, Michelle & Jack Owen & Marissa Griffiths
Pupil Free Day
On Monday 4 September staff engaged in a second whole day professional development focussed on Restorative Practices with expert facilitator, Sheila Bollard. Being committed to using more consistent language, mindset and conduct when supporting students will help continue to build a school wide culture of empathy respect and inclusion helps us to better understand and respond to challenges that arise in day to day life.
Restorative Practice aligns with our new Strategic Plan Goal and focusses on Wellbeing: Implementing whole-school approach to proactive mental health and wellbeing initiatives
Yuluk Building
Project manager, Alex and Capital Works Manager, Denise facilitated a staff "walk through" the new building last Friday. Armed with maps, staff could identify the various rooms that are in the new building. Most student areas had tall narrow windows which reduce the chance of breakage. Over the sinks in the classroom are foldback windows so the students can work outside the window e.g. doing a science experiment and still have access to water through the window space.
Wishing all our students and staff a restful break with family and friends. Most of all, enjoy the amazing Melbourne weather and Go Pies !
Virtual School Tour
Our virtual school tour is now live on our school website. Please check it out and refer any members of the community to our page.
Term 4 PUPIL FREE Day:
- Monday 6 November
- Monday 11 December
The school council meeting scheduled for Thursday 7 September has been rescheduled to Thursday 5 October due to insufficient members being available.
The following School Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 26 October
School Council Sub-Committee Representatives
- Finance Sub Committee Representative - Mark Mansfield
- Building and Grounds Sub Committee Representative – Denise Clarke
- Fundraising Sub Committee Representative – Lisa Sette
- School Council Representative on Student Representative Council (SRC)
Reminder: Our newsletter is published each fortnight and will provide you with important information about the school and events that may be of interest to you. I encourage you to read the newsletter that will be sent home via your home email, on the school's Facebook Page or on the school's website.
JSA also has a Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like and follow our pages.
Unwell Students
Each morning when students are getting ready for school, I ask that you be mindful of how your child is presenting. If they/he/she is feeling/looking/acting unusual or is complaining of being unwell please take them to the doctor. Minimising the cross-infection will assist in reducing the risk of spreading bugs and viruses.
All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.
Make sure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts:
Student absence line: 0439 114 197