

Ruby T - 1C

Ruby approaches Literacy sessions with enthusiasm and dedication. She has a clear passion for reading, where she chooses a wide range of books to include in her book box, and ensures she is working towards her reading goal. Ruby also takes on board feedback that has allowed her to grow as a writer, where she is creating more fluent, coherent and meaningful sentences. Well done for all your efforts, Ruby!


Minh T - 3A

Minh Thai has been a fantastic student since he joined the school this year. Minh Thai borrows five books every week, reads every morning before school and writes with such engagement and creativity. We are so proud of him in Year 3. Well done, Minh Thai!


Alastair O - 3/4A

For his commitment in writing, especially to his first person narrative this term. He carefully planned out his ideas and thought about the rule that was going to be broken in his story. Al then actively sought feedback on his narrative, asking how he could change his last paragraph. He graciously took on board the feedback and revised his writing. I can’t wait to read the published piece, keep up the hard work Al! Congratulations.


Julius U - 1A

Julius consistently approaches our mathematics lessons by searching for ways to challenge himself. He is a student who is willing to contribute his ideas and help others to solve complex problems. This term in particular Julius has excelled in his ability to demonstrate his mathematical thinking especially in grouping and sharing, the foundations of multiplication and division in Year 1. He used strategies such as skip counting and doubling and halving to find solutions to worded problems. Congratulations Julius!


Alby S - 3B

Alby brings a quiet confidence to Maths which is to be admired. He listens attentively throughout the duration of each lesson and consistently approaches new mathematical concepts with a “can do” attitude. I am always so proud to see Alby offering his insights with the class, and demonstrating patience and humility during peer-to-peer learning. 

You are such an asset to our grade Alby. 

Well done!


Jackson T - 4A

This student has demonstrated a growth mindset when approaching their maths work, including trying multiple approaches to solving multiplication and division problems to find the most efficient for them. Jackson’s work on arrays and the area model has improved due to being resilient and trying new strategies. Well done on your work this term, Jackson.


Evie L - 3/4A

For always actively listening to her peers and teachers. Evie is a respectful and kind hearted member of 3/4A who willingly offers to help others and does so with a smile on her face. Congratulations Evie! 


Tommy S - 4B

This student prides himself on being a role model for his peers and the younger school community. He consistently applies effort to each and every classroom task he completes. He relishes the opportunity to share his new learnings with his teacher and the other class members. Stepping into the shoes of a Tasmanian tiger for his first-person narrative this term, Tommy has followed the writing cycle carefully and meticulously. This example demonstrates just one of the many ways Tommy has demonstrated his responsibilities as a Grade 4 student this year. Keep up the great work Tommy!  


Ace B- 1A

Ace has shown a great deal of curiosity throughout the year, by continuously making connections to all learning areas and enthusiastically sharing his thinking and wonderings to the class. In particular, Ace used his prior knowledge to make inferences when conducting experiments in STEAM and when writing procedural texts. Well done Ace for always thinking, questioning and clarifying!


Alfie M - 3A

I could not be more proud of Alfie. He has worked so hard this term to make progress in his Reading, Writing and Maths. Alfie has developed a curiosity in reading and a desire to write and express himself which is admirable. However, it is his improvement in Maths, particularly his resilience in problem solving that has impressed most.It is not only his teachers that have noticed but his peers in 3A too. Well done Alfie, you should be very proud of yourself!


Henry Hand - 4A

This student demonstrated the learner asset skill of a collaborator, with their contribution to the group magazine. They showed how curiosity could enhance their research, and add interesting details to their work - including going out and exploring the beach to find a fossil to add as authentic images on their report! This curiosity has continued with Henry’s first person narrative where he has persevered to find a topic that piques their interest. Dedication like this is commendable. Well done Henry!