School Council News
As we approach the end of another Term there is lots to celebrate at EPS with some amazing accomplishments both within the school grounds and around the community. At our recent School Council Meeting on Monday 28th August we reached a pivotal time in the year where we reflect on our achievements to date and how we want to evolve this into 2024.
It was wonderful to see our school recognised for our ‘performance in the most recent National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy measures reveals Elsternwick Primary School to be among the best in Victoria’ as quoted in the Australian Financial Review last Thursday 24th August. As we know the objective of NAPLAN serves as a tool for assessing and monitoring students' foundational skills in literacy and numeracy whilst providing valuable insights around effectiveness and can help affirm the approaches the school had adopted as part of the curriculum.
As part of the School strategic plan for 2021-2025 Elsternwick Primary School moved towards a Professional Learning Community (PLC) model to build a culture of shared responsibility for student data and performance with a focus on investing into professional learning of staff to plan for differentiated, adaptive, student-centred learning as a key priority. Our recent results are a testament to our focus around differentiated learning supported by our Tutor Learning Initiative aspiring towards tailored learning appropriate for individual needs and abilities.
Moving into 2024 expanding the Tutor Learning Initiative will remain a key priority for our school, fostering opportunities for differentiated learning through additional educators for the purpose of intervention and extension.
Buildings and Grounds
We have all been eagerly watching the developments of our new sports oval and multi-sports area over the last couple of terms and whilst the waiting game has been challenging we know the reward will be worth it. There has also been a big focus on creating unique learning spaces for our students with the transformation of The Green Zone into an inclusive indoor and outdoor flexible learning and sensory area.
Despite the HUGE progression we have made in our grounds projects this year, there are still plans in place to continue to invest into buildings with the bathroom upgrades for Brickwood North Hall and the Gym scheduled to commence early in Term 4.
As we draw closer to the completion of some of these projects it’s a great opportunity to reflect and acknowledge everyone who was involved in making these initiatives a reality and celebrate the amazing facilities we have created for our school community today and a legacy for many years to come.
Finally, a BIG congratulations to the Grade 6 students for a successful Celebrate the 6’s event. Well done on a fantastic day!! There is such great anticipation for this day every year which is such a mammoth task to pull together, let alone pivoting at short notice to accommodate for weather. The happy and colourful faces (and hair) at the end of the day was the perfect memento of a great day had by all.
Jessie Rosengarten