Teaching and Learning

Visual Art news
This year some of our students have had their artwork entered into the Royal Show. We entered work into the sculpture section and I would like to congratulate the following students and classes for receiving a show medal and merit certificate.
Jerome and Gursirat from 9007, Zac from 1013 and both 710/713 for their combined group project called, The Birthday Dessert Table.
Arndale mural
This term we had the opportunity to work with the Art teacher Ms Bacjic and some of her students on a mural project. The theme is, " Youth in the Community." Students from the blue and red building were involved. A visit from the high school ensured that 1014 were shown a presentation and had an ideas and drawing workshop. There are also some other local schools involved. The mural will be displayed in the Arndale shopping centre near the Romeo supermarket, date for unveiling yet to be advised.