
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Global Leadership Summit at DCS October 14th 

It is with enthusiasm that we invite you to participate in a transformative one-day event, the Global Leadership Summit (GLS23), happening on Saturday 14th October, right here at Devonport Christian School in the Jiloa Centre.


For those unfamiliar with it, the Global Leadership Summit is a global forum designed to inspire and equip individuals with high-impact leadership skills. Imagine a day saturated with practical insights from a diverse panel of global leaders! Each year, over 400,000 participants from 135 countries engage in this enlightening process of growth, and we at DCS are privileged to be one of the 9+ Premier Host Sites across Australia.


We firmly believe that everyone is a leader. Why? Because leadership is about influence. And every single one of us, in our unique roles, influences others. Therefore, we are extending this invitation to all members of our school community, as we consider you essential partners in our shared mission.


At DCS, our commitment to growth extends not only to our students but to our staff members, parents, students and local leaders as well. We earnestly endeavour, to cultivate a nurturing Christian learning community where each member's faith and personal growth is important. It is our hope that your participation in GLS23 will deepen your influence, equipping you to lead effectively in all aspects of life.


We encourage you to extend this invitation to others in your circle of influence - friends, spouses, pastors, other parents, business owners, or even DCS founders. Everyone who leads, or aspires to lead, can benefit from the rich teachings, storytelling, and creative art on offer at GLS23.


Book here to join the DCS site Saturday October 14th:



More GLS information here:



Or you can register to do the leadership day on your own online:



Remember, your leadership journey is not solitary. We wish to support you to be able to grow and achieve influence and impact the world positively. So save the date now and join us for an unforgettable day of leadership growth at GLS23!


We eagerly anticipate the immense value that this premier event will add to our collective leadership journey. Here's to an incredible day of learning, growth, and inspiration!

Chad Smit  |  Principal