Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 8 | ||
Prep L | Aadijay | for being a motivated learner last week by following directions during science experiments and completing his daily writing tasks! Aadijay tried his best and a little bit more in his learning and should be so proud of his efforts! Well done! |
Prep N | Saachi | For being a creative learner who has demonstrated her ability to think outside the box in Challenging Maths tasks. Saachi, trusted her own ideas to successfully show how to divide several different numbers into equal groups and record any remainders. Great investing in your learning Saachi. |
1/2C | Ila | For being a motivated, independent learner who is able to get started on learning activities straight away. Ila is able to use resources around the room and her peers to help her complete tasks without needing adult support. lla has shown motivation particularly during writing this week, where she asked clarifying questions and frequently used tier 3 vocabulary from the word wall to enhance her snapshots. Keep up the great work Ila! |
1/2S | Maxwell | For being a motivated learner during writing sessions with Alessia this week. He listens carefully to the success criteria and independently gets started on tasks. Maxwell remains focused on his writing and has completed creative snapshots this week. Well done, Maxwell! |
1/2JA | Saatvik | For being a motivated learner during writing sessions. Saatvik was able to set him self up for success and get started straight away. He enjoyed writing colourful semantic sentences. He was able to identify that he was participating on the engagement continuum. Keep Focused Saatvik. |
3/4SL | Xavier | For being a collaborative learner who provides ideas during group work and happily receives feedback. He takes turns and contributes fairly to the group. Keep up the good learning, Xavier! |
3/4O | Gabrielle | For being a creative learner during writing. Gabrielle followed the writing structure and used her imagination to write an engaging and informative explanation about how chocolate is made. Gabrielle has made a fantastic start at SMDP as she follows our Ways of Working and always does her best and a little bit more. Keep working hard, Gabrielle! |
3/4S | Sofia L | For being a resilient learner when faced with challenging Maths problems. Sofia you are developing a great mathematical mindset to be a problem solver which will continue to support your learning growth! |
5/6AN | Kiran | For being a motivated student who has been participating in classroom discussions and working collaboratively with your peers. Kiran you have been investing in your learning and have had the courage to ask for assistance to further your learning when solving open ended fraction problems. Keep working with a positive mindset to drive your learning to the next level. |
5/6K | Himanish | For being a reflective learner during our writing this week. You utilised checklists, teacher feedback, and our class bump it up wall, to uplevel your explanation text on how humans are able to control their bodies. You set a fantastic example for your peers on what a successful learner does to drive their learning. |
5/6S | Patrick | For being a Resilient learner, who returned to school after 3 months in China with positivity and an eagerness to learn. You calmly spoke to all your friends who were so excited to see you and hug you . You politely retold your story a hundred times to every teacher who asked you the same questions again and again !Patrick, we welcome you back to 5 /6 S with open arms and value your contributions to our class and school. |
Week 9 | ||
Prep L | Vrishank | For being a motivated learner who has been trying his best and a little bit more to increase his engagement in writing tasks! Vrishank has been working especially hard to drive during grammar in context lessons. Well done Vrishank! |
Prep N | Alyssa | For being a collaborative learner who encourages everyone to have a go at challenging learning tasks. Alyssa brings a positive mind set and energy to every group lifting her own and her peers' learning. Well done Elyssa. |
1/2C | Izzy | For being a collaborative learner during our Math exploration tasks this week. She demonstrated great leadership skills by taking the lead when her group was required to predict and vote on the mass of different objects. Her table group was able to achieve great success with her excellent leadership skills. Well done Izzy, we are lucky to have you in our class Izzy! |
1/2S | Bella | For being a motivated learner during writing session with Alessia. She ignores distractions around her in order to produce creative writing pieces that show her ability to write from different perspectives. Well done on a great transition back to school after your holidays Bella! |
1/2JA | Dut | For being a collaborative learner who always works effectively with others to achieve a set goal. He encourages and includes his peers in all tasks. He shows patience by waiting on other’s responses and respects everyone’s differences. |
3/4SL | Divyam
| For being a motivated learner who invests in his learning by setting goals and taking responsibility for his learning. He perseveres and continuously demonstrates passion towards his learning. |
3/4O | Samaira | For being a motivated learner who invests in her learning during literacy. She invests in her learning by asking questions and researching to ensure she understands a new idea. She did a fantastic job of researching before writing her explanation about friction. Keep up the great work, Samaira! |
3/4S | Mia M | For being a collaborative learner whilst working in Inquiry. You are developing your communication skills, including listening, questioning and connecting ideas. This will continue to support your learning in all areas. Well Done! |
5/6AN | Aagam | For being a collaborative learner during whole class discussions and group work. You listen to the opinions of others and openly receive and offer constructive feedback. This was demonstrated in your group presentation on ‘Energy’, which was a great success. Well done Aagam! |
5/6K | Ella | For being a resilient and motivated learner during our fractions unit. You repeatedly drove your learning, by seeking feedback and support when you felt challenged. You did additional work to extend your understanding and demonstrated a growth mindset. Keep up this positive attitude to learning Ella! |
5/6S | Marley | For being a motivated learner. You demonstrated this when writing your Natural disaster text. You were willing to consider constructive feedback and took this opportunity to identify the big ideas from the text and use key ideas to create your story plan. You completed all the tasks assigned to you and a little bit more. Well done Marley keep driving your learning. |
Nick (PE) | Rose 5/6 AN | For being a collaborative learner, you have been incredible at including all of your classmates and supporting team members in all of our sporting lessons throughout the term. Keep up the great work Rose. |
Julie (Sustainability) | Isabelle 5/6 AN | For designing a creative and thoughtful scaled plan of her garden. For keeping focused during the task and being invested in her learning. Amazing effort. |