Upcoming Events

Term 3
21st August - Year 6 Basketball Gala Day
22nd August - Book Week Dress Up Day
22nd August - Year 6 Masterchef Event
24th August - Year 3 Parent Dinner With Principal
30th August - Father's Day Stall
31st August - District Athletics Event
1st September - Father's Day Breakfast
5th September - Year 1 Minibeast Incursion
8th September - Whole School Student Expo Afternoon
11th September - Year 2F and 2S Como House Excursion
12th September - School Council Meeting at 6.00pm
13th September - Year 2D and 2E Como House Excursion
15th September - last Day of Term - Students finish at 2.30pm
This calendar is subject to change
Please note that in some cases we may need to change the date or time of an event. Please continue to check Compass for updates. If you would like any further information, please contact your child's teacher through Compass.
Kingswood Online
• Website:
• Compass:
• Quickcliq - second-hand uniforms
• Kingswood Primary Public page:
• Kingswood Primary Instagram:
• Kingswood SAKG :