Le Français

Bonjour !
Madame Higgins has been a videographer extraordinaire :) this week!
She has been videoing her budding Francophile students while they recite their poems with the aim of reaching the finals in week 9.
The competition has positively challenged the students in many ways:
-creating a "joie de vivre" for an audience.... we all know how a confident, smiling performer can make us feel good about life !
Madame Higgins has also been honing her accounting skills, thanks to her trusted calculator, whose keys have been running hot as she tallies the votes from each class.
From the results seen so far, it is great to see how the students have followed instructions in beeing fair in their peer assessment.
As this newsletter will go out before Thursday ends, there are still classes scheduled to do the competition but the finalists should know by Friday so they can brush up on their poem and stage presentation skills over the weekend.
Scores have been very close so far in many classes, so at the request of enthusiatic students, it is highly likely that there will be a few finalists per class, which will make the finals even more rewarding exciting! :)
BPPS French Poetry Competition.
Teachers present at the Finals will be judging the students using the same rubric used by students to select their class finalists. MadameTsiandikos-Huf and Madame Higgins will be adjudicating the pronunciation component.
Finals will take place in Week 9, during Session 4 on the following dates:
Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2: Monday, September 4
Grade 5 and 6: Tuesday, September 5
Grade 3 and 4: Wednesday, September 6
Prizes and certificates will be awarded to all place getters some time in Term 4 after Madame Higgins returns from her trip.
Madame Higgins