Junior School Council News

Book Week Celebration Day
On Thursday, the whole school gathered in the stadium for a Costume and Book Parade.
Following the parade, the school was presented with their Street Library, which has been creatively decorated by Ramona. Thank you Ramona! Our Street Library looks AWESOME!
In the afternoon, Mark Wilson, a respected author and illustrator visited our school and
shared with us how he creates both his stories and his pictures.
Please enjoy some of the photos taken on the day below.
Coming up - Footy Colours Day
On Tuesday 12th September, we will have our annual Footy Colours Day. Students can dress up in their favourite "Footy Team Colours." This can be AFL, AFLW, NFL, NRL, A-League, NPL or other sporting teams.
On the day please a gold coin as we are raising money for the Fight Cancer Foundation. https://www.footycoloursday.com.au/
Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising event in September where thousands of Australians come together to show their support for kids with cancer.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer their world is turned upside down overnight. With treatment starting instantly, they face, on average, more than 6 months away from their school and school friends.
Their education programs help these kids when they need it most so they can return to their normal life without the significant social and emotional impacts of having to drop a year level.
By supporting our Footy Colours Day event we are ensuring these kids can put their cancer behind them, reach their full potential at school and get back to doing what they do best - being a kid!
Eleanor's Story
Written and prepared by Zavier (3/4B), Harry (4JT) and Vivian (5SG).