Team Foundation News

Fairness and Friendship
Our Inquiry this term has focused on learning about the concept of Social Justice through the lens of fairness and friendship. The essential questions we asked centred around the importance of following classroom and family rules, listening with understanding and empathy, problem solving and managing conflict and identifying the difference between right and wrong.
Earlier in the term one of our tasks required us to make a creative and bright sock puppet. Throughout the term we used the puppet in partners and groups to role play fair and friendly actions while practising important social skills such as listening with understanding.
We set a Fairness and Friendship goal to focus on through the term to build our social awareness. These goals centred on practising skills required to work collaboratively with others, developing the skills required to include others and make friends and using appropriate language to describe what happens and how you feel when experiencing positive interactions and conflict.
One of the tasks involved a discussion about school in the past compared to school now. We looked at images of schools in the past and talked about what we think the rules might have been and how the structure of school would have been different! Next week we have invited a VERY special guest to B.P.P.S. to explain what school was like when they went to school, the rules they had to follow and how the environment was different compared to today. In preparation for this task, we used question cubes to develop important questions that we would like to ask our guest speaker such as how many students were in your class and what was one of the school rules that are different from the rules we have now. We are really looking forward to hearing from our guest speaker!
We have learnt so much this term and, importantly, will continue to work towards our Fairness and Friendship goal next term.
Foundation Stars Weeks 5, 6 and 7
In Week 5 Adeline (FKJ) was one of the Foundation Stars. Adeline shared her Show Bag in Week 6, due to being unable to share it in Week 5. Adeline's Show Bag contained a toy mixer, a special double sided fairy book that had two stories inside, a camp light that turned rainbow colours and a green crocodile sun hat. Adeline's favourite item inside her Show Bag was a photo of her toy bunny that she got when she was a baby. Thank you Adeline for sharing these wonderful items with us!
In Week 6 our Foundation Stars were George (FSR) and Zach B.(FKJ). George proudly shared his Show Bag with the audience. Inside this bag was a dinosaur book, a truck that eats cars, a hot wheel car and his collection of glow in the dark markers! Thank you George for sharing your amazing Show Bag objects!
Zach B. chose to share his Time Line. Some photos that he shared were: his baby photo, a photo of his baby sister Zoe, two amazing birthday cakes (one was a train, the other a volcano) and a photo of Zach's first day of three year old Kinder! Thank you Zach for sharing this fantastic time line with us! We really enjoyed seeing your photos!
In Week 7 we celebrated Salote (FSR) and Charlie (FKJ) as our next Foundation Stars. Salote taught us how to speak in Fijian! She read a book that had the numbers 1 to 10 in this language! What a clever cookie! Salote also shared some photos on her timeline. These photos were taken on a holiday to Fiji. She showed us a picture of when she and her family swam in a beautiful, tropical waterfall! Thank you Salote for teaching us how to speak in another language and sharing these lovely pictures!
Charlie from FKJ taught everyone how to make a paper aeroplane! Charlie learnt how to make this plane by watching a video on her Mum's phone. We were amazed at how well Charlie remembered all the steps to making this plane and how well it flew! Great job Charlie! At the end of Charlie's presentation, Zach B. gave her a special necklace that he made especially for her for being the Foundation Star. That was very thoughtful of you Zach! Thank you Charlie for entertaining us with your amazing paper plane!
We look forward to seeing what our Week 8 and 9 Foundation Stars will share!