Visual Art

Foundation students practiced their modeling skills, working with clay to create pinch pots. They rolled balls out of clay and pushed their thumb down in the middle, then they pinched the sides to form a small pot with even sides. Students used tools to decorate the outsides of the pots with various patterns.
This week students painted their pots, making them bright and colourful. They can't wait to take their work home next week.
Grade 1 and Grade 2
The 'pop-up' gratitude garden, inspired by artist Barbera Gilhooly, is well on it's way.
While waiting for the paint to dry, we started on a new artwork. Students discussed the different colours in the ocean and how you can see flow and movement in the water. They experimented with sponges and different values of blue to create underwater ocean backgrounds, portraying movement and colour diffusion. Next week they will add silhouettes of fish and other ocean creatures to create a big ocean artwork.
Grade 3 and Grade 4
The Grade 3 and 4 students are finishing their 3D animal portraits. They are refining their painting, mixing and brush skills and considering composition in their portraits.
Grade 5 and Grade 6
Grade 5 and 6 students have explored metal wire art. They made a design in a continuous line drawing and decided how their wire creation would be displayed. Students experimented and explored working with metal wire and pliers to shape, bend and curl their art. Their effort resulted in some amazing wire sculptures.