Sport and P.E.
In the Classroom
More gymnastics for our BPPS students over the last couple of weeks! Students have had a really enjoyable and engaging experience with this program and it has been fantastic to see so many students smiling and having fun while learning and practising new skills. Well done to all of our students, from F-6, for their positivity and enthusiasm during the Gymnastics Program so far.
Sports Events
On Friday August 18th, our Year 3 and 4 students had Hoop Time! BPPS had over 120 students playing in 15 different teams against boys and girls from other schools across Victoria. It was such a fantastic day of exercise, teamwork, persistence and fun. Well done to all of our 3/4 students for their amazing efforts and attitudes and thank you to our many incredible parent helpers (as well as our Year 5 and 6 helpers) who came along to help coach, score and encourage on the day.
BPPS Colour Run
Colour Run is only one more sleep away! Thank you to all of our students and families who have been actively engaged in the fundraising process over the last month or so - raising money for our school as well as winning some pretty cool individual prizes by doing so. Tomorrow's event promises to be a lot of fun, so feel free to come along and watch the festivities if you find yourself with some free time before school pick up!
Have a great week!
Mr. Wickham