Assistant Principal - Curriculum matters

Dear Parents, Carers and Students
Term 3 is always a busy one, and this year is no exception! Our staff started the term with a curriculum day dedicated to wellbeing and the import role language has to frame our wellbeing and influence. These curriculum days are an essential part of the work our staff do and the time together is essential in planing what happens in the classroom, our corridors and in the yard is invaluable.
A real highlight for me this term was our Careers Expo. On this day we had all of our students take part in the day where they got o explpore lots of different career and study opportunities. For some there were jobs out there they didnt even know about!
Taking part in the day were our Alumni - Michael Rizzo and Dino Srabo
and parent information session our senior and middle years students . This term they begin to plan for their futures here at JFC and beypond. Our Careers expo brought with it potential for early entry into University and School based aprenticeships. Our students had lots to think about in preparation for VCE/VM and beyond.