College Events

Book Week - Celebrating our favourite book character! 

During Term 3 our students were able to celebrate many different events within the library space. At the beginning of the term, we had the Scholastic Book Fair where students were able to visit and browse different books. At the end of the fair students purchased books that helped raise over $2000 for our school library! Later in the term students from Years 3 to 6 participated in the Battle of the Books which is a competition where students log their hours they read and are up against schools within the Wyndham region! Currently 3W are placing first across all of the schools participating! 


Most recently our students celebrated the CBCA Book Week with a fun parade and dress up day as well as an incursion for our Primary School students from Perform Education called 'Way too cool'. 


Students were also invited to participate in the MS Readathon where collectively our school has raised over $1000 for families with MS. This has been a busy term, but one filled with lots of fun! 


Sports Carnival