Science News

Creating Futures Together 

In Science News this week, the Year 7 students have been discovering all about different animals with classification all completing an animal fact file. This will neatly tie into their next topic 'ecosystems' and will be finishing off the topic next term on a school excursion to the Zoo. 


The Year 8 students had the opportunity last week to have an incursion where a group Performed for them showing the positives and negatives of AI. In the classroom the students have been learning about Physics and have been investigating and creating water wheels. 

The Year 9 students have been looking into Chemistry and have been looking at chemical reactions and writing chemical equations. They have had the opportunity to look at indicators and the Elephant’s Toothpaste Demonstration, showing an exothermic reaction. 

Some Year 10 students have had the opportunity to get DNA strands out of strawberries. They were able to visually see DNA, usually it is too small. 


The Senior students have all been busy. The Year 11 Biology group studied differences between Drosophila Fruit Flies and the genetics between them. The Biology Year 12 group had the opportunity to compare models of skulls of humans and see the changes over millions of years for their Evolution Unit.