Parent Engagement

"Where one or two are gathered in my name, there I am." Matthew 18: 2

 Got a spare three minutes??? I know! Sometimes we feel we don't but 

why not take 3 minutes in your day to make space for an encounter with God that could be just what you need today. 


An Ignatian way to pray....


Please see the marketing section of the newsletter for more detailed information on these two courses.





Expressions of Interest for a Spiritual Retreat through Art at the Art Gallery of NSW called "The Way of the HeART."

After the success of the art show you may be feeling inspired to ponder beauty more in your life! This is a mindfulness walk through the gallery with an Ignatian flavour that I have run for the past three years. It has proven to be very popular for those wanting some time in reflective prayer or just some "time out" with God, silence and an opportunity to "see God in all things" as St Ignatius said. I can run it on a weekend, weeknight or weekday depending on interest. It takes about 2 hours. Email me if interested. 


Thank you to all the Year 4 families who made it to the explanation Mass on Sunday and of course to all the beautiful singers and readers. Let us keep these First Holy Communicants in our prayers as they come to make this significant sacrament over the next two weekends.

For the Families of the Senior Classes - Come to the Youth Mass this Sunday.

Remember this Sunday is Youth Mass at 5.30 pm with great music followed by Potluck Dinner. We need to bring back the joy of the gospel and this Mass is certainly joyous! If you have never been why not come along? You can sit with your family for dinner afterwards or not- great for "tweens" and teenagers and parents alike!

Congrats to Richard in Year 3 who has just become a Catholic!
Congrats to Richard in Year 3 who has just become a Catholic!
Some friendly faces serving tea and coffee to Parishioners at the Art Show on Sunday morning.
Some friendly faces serving tea and coffee to Parishioners at the Art Show on Sunday morning.

 Connection and Community with the Parish. 

Tuesday 3 October 6 pm: HSC Mass to pray for all we know doing the HSC and bring them along with you for a special blessing, especially if they are ex HF students! 

Sunday 22nd October at 10.15 am: Kindy 2023 will welcome the new Kindy's for 2024.

Sunday 12th November at 10.15 am: Year 1 and 2.

Friday 1 December 6 pm: Parish/School Christmas Around the World Carols Night


Trybooking link for the Parish Voice Table Talk



And if you would like to learn more about how to say the Rosary






In Christ,

Anne Gray

Holy Family Parent Engagement Coordinator

(Tuesdays and half day Thursday.)