Wellbeing, SRC & PBL Teams

Let's Celebrate our Success! 


Look at how much we have done this term - what fun and hard work, well done Holy Family students and teachers.

  • Learnt and grown in our academic success
  • Holy Family are synergising and using all of the habits to promote success
  • Our awesome Leader In Me day
  • Book Week Parade and celebration
  • Our good behaviour
  • Well-being week
  • Year 4 History Project
  • The teacher's Book performance
  • The Way Too Cool for School performance
  • Art Show and Fair
  • Making books in Year 3
  • Year 2 Henry Matisse artworks
  • Year 3 reading success
  • Our Italian progress
  • Fruit and Veg Month
  • Public Speaking 
  • Bishops art prize 
  • Year 2- descriptive paragraph 
  • Year 3- paragraphs
  • Word Weavers 
  • Volume and capacity
  • Music Performance
  • Band performances
  • Achieving our PDH goals
  • New SRC
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Parliament and government research
  • ZING dance competition



Have a wonderful break and remember to Sharpen your Saw - Balance is best!


Melissa Overton

Wellbeing, LIM & PBL Coordinator