Religious Education Coordinator

Showcasing our musical talents


You are invited to Monday's assembly at 2.00pm where our Religious Education Creative Arts Competition finalists in the music category will perform their original compositions for the school community. We hope you can join us.



We are thrilled to announce that Boris S. was awarded first place for his original musical composition and performance in his category. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement, Boris!  


Prayer Time

Each Tuesday this term during lunchtime, students from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been invited to join a prayer group.


This week, we spent our time together near Saint Francis' statue in the prayer garden.

We noticed the trees and shrubs, in particular their differing shapes, colours and sizes. They are all unique, none are exactly the same! They provide us with shade from the sun and protection from the wind and are home for many of God's littlest creatures.


We breathed deeply, slowly and then closed our eyes and imagined we were under a bush spending time with Jesus, who loved the garden as much as we do. We listened as Jesus told us about the little creatures that have a home in the bush... the baby birds that are born there... the beautiful web that the spider spins in the sun to catch its prey... the ants that feed off the sap of the branches.


We know about the gift of God's creation that is given to us and of the importance for us to take care of the environment. We made promises to Jesus to care for the bush by planting seeds and encouraging others to do the same. Thank you, God, for the trees and shrubs in your gift of creation. 


I invite you, too, to take a moment to be silent and be with Jesus, just as our students are encouraged to do.


Liana Stella