Message from the Principal  

 Mr David Smith

Welcome back to Term 4.

I trust that our whole community enjoyed a restful and restorative break over the past two weeks. We look forward now to ‘powering on’ towards the end of 2023, completing our Year of Hope successfully.


Positive Conclusion to Term 3

I was delighted in the way that our School concluded Term 3. In all our tiredness and “busyness” it is easy to miss what a wonderful few weeks we enjoyed right across our School. The Theme of Hope fitted well with our activities as we celebrated much that is positive about our work in shaping young people of all ages. Term 3 is always a time of mixed emotions as it marks the end of 13 years of formal schooling for Year 12 students, as they are farewelled and then prepare for their HSC examinations. The events at Calrossy were wonderful and they emphasised the strength of our community and our positive culture.


The final few weeks of Term 3 included:

  • The Year 12 Graduation Ceremony and associated Valedictory activities that were a wonderful tribute to the students. An alumna Dr Phoebe Moore spoke to the students and inspired them about what lies ahead. We also enjoyed a delightful Formal Dinner on the final Friday of last term, concluding with fireworks. The students finished on a high and the drinks function with parents on the Thursday evening saw parents and staff gather to informally mark the formal end of schooling for the students.
  • The Boarder Farewell in which tributes were made to our residential Year 12s by each of the Year groups, including sibling speeches and lots of fun, as part of a formal dinner. This dinner represented so much of what is good in Calrossy Boarding, with our graduating men and women congratulated for their contribution to our culture. There was a lovely sense of fun and camaraderie as well as a delightful sense of the growth of students in their time in boarding. 
  • The Assembly for Year 12s who commenced in our Junior School was memorable. Staff and around 30 students took time to share memories and remember back to their time in Primary and Infants School. It was a poignant reminder that education is all about 13 years, rather than just Year 12 and that it takes a ‘village’ to grow a child.
  • The Junior School Grandparents Day was an absolute highlight and was the most attended event of the year so far. The concert was fabulous and to observe students sharing their classrooms and learning with their grandparents afterward, some who had travelled far, was very heart-warming.
  • We enjoyed a successful launch of the film, ‘Calrossy our Light and Life’ with over two hundred people attending at the Capitol Theatre to celebrate 100 years of Calrossy House. The history of the School, including the foundation of William Cowper Anglican School and the subsequent amalgamation was featured. The movie celebrated the journey of Calrossy but also centred on the vision of many over time to grow Calrossy into what it is today. Past Principals Peter Smart and Stephen Laurence were in attendance. (A further showing of the film will take place in November).


  • RU Okay day, promoted by excellent work and commitment from one of our Year 7 -9 leaders, Bronte Gillan, saw a positive focus across the whole school on supporting friends and being that person who checks up on others.
  • Many other events - the Billycart Derby for Years 7 – 9, the Seniors Rugby Night, Year 2 Bike Safety Day, Secondary Shakespeare Day, Weekend Cattle Shows (and many other things) that saw us all very busy but engaged. Many of these events were captured in photos, which can be viewed on The Hub.


Our final weeks reminded me how important it is to connect with our extended community, including parents and alumni and enjoy the benefits this brings to us all in the school setting.


eCalrossy Residential

We enjoyed a positive residential school for our eCalrossy students in the first week of the school holidays. Our online students undertook practical lessons and enjoyed a week of community living, including fun activities in and out of school. This programme is a special aspect of our school, supporting learning for students from Years 5 – 9 and we enjoyed the experience of hosting them.


Mobile Phones

This week sees the NSW Government mandating ‘no phones’ in all Department schools, something we have already embraced. We continue with our use of Yondr pouches, to support students in their focus, to avoid distractions and to spend time talking face to face. More and more data is demonstrating the negative impacts of unrestricted use of phones with teenagers, particularly relating to mental health and learning.


Staff News

Congratulations to Rev. Stephen Price, Head of Calrossy 7 – 9 who has accepted the Deputy Principal role at Orange Christian School, taking up that role for 2024. Stephen has been our initial Head of Calrossy 7 - 9 and has worked tirelessly to grow the culture of this more recently established section of our school. I am thankful for his 9 years of service to Calrossy and his contribution to growing the culture of the William Cowper Secondary Campus. His prior work as Chaplain in the school has also been valued. We will miss Mr Price and his family as they move to Orange and wish them every success in the new position. A process to replace Mr Price has already commenced. During the term we will appropriately acknowledge Mr Price and his contribution to Calrossy.


Commencement of HSC

The final HSC Examinations commence on Wednesday 11th October and I join with the Calrossy community in wishing our students every success over the next month. They are assured of our prayers for calm, peace and reward for their hard work. I am very grateful to the many Calrossy staff who conducted classes and tutorials during the holiday period to support the students in their final preparation.


New Term

With the start of a new term, our staff is stressing with students the importance of being in class and commencing every period ready for learning. With this in mind, we will be emphasising a specific focus on importance of arriving in class on time. This will enhance learning and allow us all get the most of time in the classroom.


I wish every member of our school community best wishes for a positive Term 4 and success in ‘powering ahead’ to a strong finish to our Year of Hope. 


“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus from John 10:10


David Smith

Principal Calrossy Anglican School