Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

Students of the Week

Monday the 16th & 23rd October





NameGradeComment NameGradeComment  
Jasjit06BConsistently demonstrating the value of respect by always being considerate of others and interacting with his peers and teacher politely and positively. Well done Jasjit.  Dnilson06ADnilson was very respectful and mindful of others   
Archie06AArchie is always polite and well mannered. He consistently demonstrates respect across all interactions with his peers and adults. Dnilson06ADnilson always takes a positive perspective on situations. He views challenges as learning opportunities. Well done Dnilson!      
Amelia03BDemonstrating the value of respect by waiting her turn when participating in whole class discussions. Great work Amelia!  Jesabel04BFor persevering during our Numeracy lessons in Week 3 when using the area model for division with increased independence and confidence. What a great effort Jesabel!        
Julia03ADemonstrating the value of respect by always following class instructions and routines. Fantastic work Julia!  Isabelle05AWell done Isabelle for showing Resilience this week in your work, trying your best and giving everything a go.  
Melania00BAlways showing respect by listening to her peers and her teachers. Keep up the amazing work Melania! Larni05BFor displaying resilience to do her best to accept changes, persevere and use her strengths to make positive choices. Congratulations Larni!    
Hiba00ADemonstrating respect by waiting for her turn and always putting up her hand during class discussions. Excellent work Hiba! Mia03AShowing resilience by challenging herself with her learning and persevering with tasks. Keep up the great effort Mia!      
Johann02AFor consistently demonstrating respect to others by actively listening to his peers and teachers. Congratulations Johann! Aisha06BDemonstrating resilience by persisting with learning tasks during LAF groups.  Keep up the great effort Aisha. 
Liam02BBeing a kind, respectful and cooperative member of Grade 2B. Congratulations Liam! Stefan03BDemonstrating the value of resilience by demonstrating a growth mindset when completing his classwork. Great job Stefan!!  
Righteous04BBeing a respectful student. Righteous shows up at each Garden Club with Buongiorno Renata"  and at the end "Grazie Renata" with a smile.  Levi00ABeing more focused and trying his best before asking for help especially during writing lessons. Excellent work Levi!        
Mya04ABeing a respectful student who always listens to her peers when completing group tasks and values what they have to say. Congratulations and well done Mya! Simreet 06AFor demonstrating the positive attitude in Italian "I can do this!"         
Kyle01BSettling into 1B and demonstrating all our school values everyday. Welcome Kyle! Jayden06CShowing resilience, by not giving up when completing a difficult class task. 
Kevin06CShowing respect to students and adults all of the time at Mackellar. Well done Kevin. Xavier06CXavier has been developing his personal durability when dealing with new ideas. It's great to see him attempting challenging situations with courage and a smile.        
Israel01AAlways being mindful of others and waiting for his turn patiently during class. It is great to see how you act respectfully towards your classmates and your teachers. Well done Israel! Benjamin04ABeing a resilient learner who takes on challenges and always asks and accepts help when needed. Keep up that positive mindset. Congratulations and well done Ben!   
    Olivia02AFor demonstrating the value of resilience and trying your best when completing learning tasks. Congratulations Olivia and keep up the great attitude to your learning! 
    Bradley02BDemonstrating the value of Resilience in the classroom. You don't give up and try your best at all times. Well done Bradley!        
    Tanner00BAlways putting maximum effort with his class work. Keep up the amazing work Tanner!   
    Ivy01BCourageously taking part in all school activities from the moment she started at Mackellar Primary School. Welcome Ivy! 
    Anthony01AAlways having a go in our Numeracy sessions, confidently answering questions and explaining his thinking. You take on board our feedback and never give up. Well Done Anthony.     
    Larni05BFor active listening and following instructions during 5/6 Sport. Your hard work and persistence during the netball match was exceptional.         
   Hakan04BFor displaying the value of respect in all areas of our schoo>  Hakan always participates in activities and alway ensures he uses his manners in the classroom.  
   Levi5BFor being a respectful member of the class by contributing to class discussions and displaying active listening.  Well done Levi!             
   Stella3BShowing respect in visual art and helping others.             




Monday 16th & 23rd October







Monday 16th & 23rd  October