October's special events

Mackellar's Italian Cultural Morning was a wonderful success!  Special thanks, or should I say, 'Grazie' to our Italian teacher Mrs Renata Cugliari for organising the event and engaging the community.  A very warm and grateful thank you also to our parent/carer volunteers for helping out on the morning.  Their assistance made a huge difference to the event and all staff are extremely grateful.  Grazie! 


Here are some beautiful photographs of happy memories that included gelatos and pizzas, mask making, roman dress-ups, pasta jewellery making, and even a spaghetti-eating race!  Thank you to those who embraced the experience by wearing  Italy's colours.

The following House points were achieved on the day with Red House in the lead, however we wish to congratulate all teams for their excellent teamwork:

Red House - 175

Green House - 166

Yellow House - 163

Blue House - 143 

Day for Daniel 

Mackellar is observing  Day for Daniel this week.  Day for Daniel is Australia's largest child safety education and awareness day which not only honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe but also ensures an ongoing awareness program for child safety. Classes will conduct a lesson based around Safety Helpers, which is someone that a child feels safe around.  Daniel was a boy who was unaware of his safety network and the places he could go to get the help that he needed. He entered a stranger's car.  His parents couldn't find him and they were really worried about him. 


Daniel was wearing red on the day that he was lost, and this is why we encouraged children to wear red today. An officer from the Victorian Police attended our Monday morning assembly to discuss safety networks students can access for help when they feel unsafe. 

Below:  Term 4 Clubs timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.