Funky Monkey Disco

This Friday 27th October

Halloween Costume Day and Funky Monkey Disco Friday 27th October

A gold coin is required for the dress-up at school.


Disco schedule:

Prep to Grade 3:  3.45pm to 4.30pm  (45 minutes)

Parents/carers must collect their child from class and sign their child into the disco and sign out at 4.30pm.   This is each child's permission to attend.


Grade 4 to Grade 6:  4.45pm to 5.45pm (1 hour)


Wear:   To make the most of our disco evening, students may wear a Halloween costume to school, or similar kind of outfit.  However, it is entirely optional.


Funky Monkey Disco is yet another wonderful memory of fun and laughter for our students. It is also an exciting opportunity for children to socialise with students from other classes within their age group, whether in Grade Prep to 3 for the first disco or Grade 4 to 6 for the second disco. 


Can you spot the member of staff at last year's Halloween disco?