Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,


I do hope that you were able to have a break from the normal routines over the Spring break and enjoy the lovely weather in Melbourne (up until yesterday!). I also hope that everyone stayed safe and well and are looking forward to a busy, active and rewarding Term 4.


It has already been a busy week with some temporary adjustments being made to some of our programs due to the heavy rain yesterday.


Parent Information night- Cybersafety

We were pleased to host a special Cybersafety information evening, last night for parents. Thank you to the parents who gave up their time to attend. One very clear message was that parents and carers remain the best form of safety net for their child’s cybersafety with online devices. Another clear message was that it is the children who have the greater technical skill and expertise but it is the adults in their lives who are the experts in relationships and safety to help young people navigate through the online challenges. Thank you to Naomi Brabender for organising this event. 


Staff news

We warmly welcome back Mrs Kerry Buswell, from extended Long Service Leave, this term. Kerry will take over Mrs Stubberfield’s art classes, as well as additional Library classes, and support throughout the school. We also welcome back, Ms Ruby Curtis, from family leave. Ruby will be working on a Friday, in a 5/6 support role and also in Prep PE. Welcome back to you both!


Our 60th Birthday

It was lovely to receive a signed, extract of Hansard from Vicki Ward, with her recent speech in Parliament regarding her visit to our 60th Birthday Assembly last term. We have put this in the office for everyone to see! Hopefully our local member of Parliament will still have time to visit from time to time after her recent promotion to the cabinet.


School projects and improvements

We have had a number of significant projects, and school upgrades, completed over the holidays. The most significant is the Netball court resurfacing. This looks great and is a significant upgrade and undertaking from School Council. I hope that it provides many years of improved playing surfaces for our students and for the community. In addition to this the following have been completed; a chair lift Installation in the Hall to make the space accessible by all, basketball backboard replacement, new improved Kitchen Garden retaining walls, modern fencing around the Year 4 portables, installation of a door in Room 5, repainting the BER & sandstone toilets, gutter cleaning, and some necessary spraying in ECB Reserve. This is a significant list of projects and the school is indebted to David Tyndall, for his commitment to the ongoing improvement of the school grounds.



Unfortunately, over the holiday period there was a small fire that was created and lit by some members of the public in the middle of our synthetic turf oval. This occurred on the first Tuesday evening at around 6.45pm. We have reviewed our CCTV footage and are working with Victorian Police but if any of our EEPS community members know anything around the incident then please let me know. We were fortunate that the CFA was able to attend and that we have been able to have the main damaged turf repaired before the term started. We do take great pride in our school and it is very disappointing that wanton, deliberate destruction of our school facilities does occur from time to time. Whilst we are not certain who is to blame it is a timely reminder that if you have older siblings who are ex EEPS students please have conversations with them about the safe and respectful use of all community facilities, especially as adolescents have more independence and freedom in their movements.


Consent and payment

Just a reminder that we have a large number of extra activities and events that may require parent consent and payment, over the next few weeks. These include Swimming for Preps and Year 3-6, Asian Studies Day and a special Musica Viva whole school incursion. Please keep an eye out on the Newsletter and on direct Newsfeeds. 


School uniform

As all our families are aware the school is very proud of the ‘purple and gold’. The EEPS School Council endorsed Student Dress Code aims to: 

• foster a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance 

• support Eltham East Primary School’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities. 

• reduce student competition on the basis of clothing 

• enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community. 


Every year the Student Dress Code Policy is reviewed and endorsed by School Council, with changes from time to time. As we start a new Term, I would like to highlight the following aspects;


Black school shorts

Shorts- mid-thigh, black school shorts to comply with the mandated SunSmart policy are required.

Jewellery and cosmetics 

Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches, are the only acceptable jewellery. 

Makeup (including nail polish) may not be worn at school.


It is recommended that shoulder length or longer hair is to be tied back to help restrict the spread of nits and lice and for student safety.

Commemorative Tops and Hoodies 

Each year, students in Year 6 are invited to purchase a commemorative top and or hoodie. These items are exclusively for the current students in Year 6 to wear during their final year of primary school. Commemorative tops and or hoodies will not be available for purchase as second-hand uniform items, nor can they be worn by students in other year levels.


Please see the attached complete Student Dress Code Policy for your reference and familiarisation. Additional input can always be provided to School Council through the Policy Sub-Committee Convenor, Lisa Joseph.


Eltham East Primary School is a highly sought after, Network leading school, with fantastic programs, facilities, students, parents and staff. We have a very measured and considered School Dress Code Policy. Let’s all please work together supporting our special, unique and distinctive uniform requirements to help to continue to build community and to enhance pride in our wonderful school.


School hats

Also, a further reminder that it is essential that all EEPS students have a SunSmart, school hat, in line with our SunSmart and School Uniform policies. From next Monday, any student without a school hat will have restrictions with outdoor activities, including sport and play breaks outside. Replacement hats are available from the uniform shop and front office, however, you child may find that they do actually have a school hat somewhere at home. 


Democracy sausage

Next Saturday, 14th October, the school will be hosting a Democracy Sausage Sizzle to capitalise on the attendance at the Referendum. Thank you to Tim Eyles for organising the event and if you have a free hour then please let Tim know. It would be wonderful if parents could make every effort to come along and support the event as all proceeds will be going towards a significant investment in additional synthetic phonics resources and reading books for our Prep and Year 1 students.


Working Bee

In the meantime, this Sunday, 7th October we are holding a belated, ‘Spring into Spring’ Working Bee at EEPS between 9.00am and 12.00pm. There is a long list of jobs so please consider offering for an hour or two for us to ‘spruce up’ several parts of the school and ensure that we are prepared for the bushfire season. If you are available to attend then please indicate your availability here;

Prep transition


Well, we are off to a busy start to the term and look forward to hosting our second Prep transition sessions this week.


Thank you for your continued support.



Warren Lloyd  
